
Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Well Done? (Revisited)

Some of you may remember an earlier post regarding a work colleague fired for reasons that will remain obscure, but I am now happy to report that after a more formal review of the case he has been re-instated, to his former role.

Our working environment has changed greatly in the last year and I only hope my colleague can come to terms with their new strictures, having given up another job acquired following the original departure.

To those who temporarily ruined the aspirations of a whole household in order (it seems) to merely prove their department had teeth, I hope they can now suck on a final thought that had it not been for their farcical handling of this case, they would not have lost the business an equally able colleague who quit to pursue a career in a less flawed organisation.

Read this sorry saga from its start here ...
WORK Career Promotion Job LAURENCEAUX England LAURENCEAU Lawrenceaux LAWRENCEAU Laureanceaux LAURANCEAU Lawranceaux LAWRANCEAU Loranceaux LORANCEAU Lorranceaux LORRANCEAU POETRY Prose POEMS Social Comments HUMOUR Humerous SMILE Smiling LAUGH Laughing LAFF Laffing CYNICAL Truism TRUISMS Welcome HULL Kingston-Upon-Hull Kingston Upon Hull KINGSTON-ON-HULL Kingston On Hull YORKSHIRE East Yorkshire HUMBERSIDE Yorkshire DEPRESSION ThisISUll FED-UP Pissed-Off LONELY Disgruntled DISSOLUSIONED Blue BLACK Thinking BLOG Blogger LYONEL

Park Rain revisited (Video & Back Story)

After a period of R&R (rage and rancour) I am getting back into this blogging lark by sucking the thumb of my own ego in order to bolster the defensive aspects of my personality (confidence and candour). I'd like to thank Elaine and the Governor for their patience and of course Wazbag, for her continued support, though I am not stupid enough to think I can wallow for much longer in this pool of ... whatever it is.

Since we last spoke, a video "short" of one of my early poems (PARK RAIN) has been released by its producer, Kirsty Clark, a popular videographer around here. I am hoping she will tackle another poem shortly, but for now here is the link to her YouTube video.

Park Rain has a "back story" that comprised the earlier verses of the original poem, before I excised them in order to distil its emotional content. For the completists amongst my friends (John!) who nagged for the missing bits, they now follow.

TUMS Welcome HULL Kingston-Upon-Hull Kingston Upon Hull KINGSTON-ON-HULL


Amongst rustling trees
we slowly walked,
as the hum of the city
eased our silence.
Lazy rolls of distant thunder
and the chill of the night
were my friends;
drawing your hand to mine,
as we made for shelter.
We spoke of the future,
but a fear of change engulfed me,
for we would be apart,
maybe forever;
and the tear in my eye,
which I tried to deny
as a spot of rain,
rolled down my cheek
as you gently squeezed my hand;
then we ran for cover
as the heavens opened,
shrieking with our urgency ........

The rain rodded down,
pock-marking the pond
as the moon shone
in a halo of colours.
Sheltered we stood
by a roof and our hearts
whilst the rain fell,
spitting to the ground
in a crackling dance
to a whispering breeze;
for the wind was light
as the feeling inside,
and I held your hand
as you held my heart.
You kept me from the cold,
for you warmed me from inside;
and I loved you then.