
Tuesday 13 November 2018

11/11/11 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, lest we forget?

The war wasted men,
the trench souls
and minds
puppeteered from above
by moustachioed children.

Rapacious rats
crawled over dead
zombies of patriotism
and thoughtless death,
as they enriched the soil with blood.

And the glory of death is remembered.
The warmth of sacrifice cherished.

For the good of peace
death was refereed by God
who was on both sides,

helping poppies to grow;
orange spotted with black.

One for each man:
dried blood stains
on the face of a gas attack,
picked in bunches
to be held in a virginal hand.

And the glory of death is remembered.
The warmth of sacrifice cherished.

La poem en Francais? :........

La guerre a gâché les hommes,
les â mes de tranchée
et les esprits
marionnettiste d'en haut
par des enfants moustachus.

Rats rapaces
rampé sur morts
zombies du patriotisme
et la mort sans réfléchir,
comme ils ont enrichi le sol avec du sang.

Et on se souvient de la gloire de la mort.
La chaleur du sacrifice chérie.

Pour le bien de la paix
la mort a été arbitrée par Dieu
qui était des deux côtés,
aider les coquelicots à se développer;
orange tacheté de noir.

Un pour chaque homme:
taches de sang séchées
face à une attaque au gaz,
cueilliens en grappes
et tenu dans une main virginale.

Et on se souvient de la gloire de la mort.
La chaleur du sacrifice chérie.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Kath Hignet - Newsweek - July 2018

Kath Hignet News

This journalist's article (or A.I. Code) contains examples of poor grammar foisted upon readers via Internet "News". I may read false news but I want it well written.

"A galaxy spinning around a hungry supermassive black hole that's guzzling down matter and shooting out plasma jets has grabbed the attention of astronomers 13 billion light years away. This plasma-spewing quasar is spurting out brighter radio emissions than anything else ever observed in the early universe."

Q. Are the astronomers really 13 billion light years away?
Q. Are we in the "early universe", or another?

A galaxy spinning around a hungry supermassive black hole that's 13 billion light years away (from earth) and guzzling down matter whilst shooting out plasma jets has grabbed the attention of astronomers 13 billion light years away. This plasma-spewing quasar is spurting out brighter radio emissions than anything else ever observed in the early universe.

Mon 5th Feb 2024  
I came across this in a BBC article and it doesn't seem right. Call me pedantic if you wish, but I like things right (quite often my "right").

"Jason Elordi has been accused of grabbing the reporter behind a radio prank gone wrong by the throat."

Jason Elordi has been accused of grabbing by the throat, the reporter behind a radio prank gone wrong."

Monday 12 March 2018

No To Melrose Industries And GKN

Melrose Industries want GKN, no doubt because of its eventual break-down price, and will rely on shareholder greed to facilitate this. They appear to be a parasitic money-grubbing enterprise, that in decades past would have been called asset-strippers.

I say no to Melrose.

I say no to the breakup of GKN; a profitable UK manufacturer we will need post Brexit.

I say no to the greed of parasitic asset strippers.

UPDATE (19/01/2018):
"Melrose is poised to offer to funnel £1bn into GKN's pension fund in a last-ditch attempt to win its £8.1bn bid for the engineering giant".

- " Offer"? - Of course they will eventually do that. Surely?
- This sounds a bit like Kraft taking over Cadburys in the UK.
- Promises are cheap and often forgotten and this bribe to the workers is cheap.

UPDATE (28/03/2018):
Bye-bye GKN? (stupid government?) ...

UPDATE (30/03/2018):
GKN "succumed" to hostile Melrose bid.
- UK government confirmed as spineless.
- UK politicians traitors to British industrial global reach.
- Is UK run by a bunch of self-serving, infighting wastrels?
- Good luck GKN workers, you will need it.
Too little, too late (as ever) ...
The vultures have arrived and the goverment dithers ...

UPDATE (25/11/2018):
I knew this would happen - the rape of mother GKN begins...

UPDATE (23/02/2019):
View the ongoing story by the BBC...