
Monday, 30 July 2012

A Swansong For Jeremy

I have had only 3 employers in my whole life, for which I am grateful and proud; I have been lucky.

There has been a formative 2 year introduction to the world in a paint factory, 23 years in I.T. with the second largest FMHG manufacturer in the world and, latterly, 12 years in I.T. with an English local government organisation: the miserable side of employment, the enlightening side of employment, then the stultifying.

An occasional “fact” of my working history endures, for whenever a “need” for major change commences, whether it be the literal decimation of staff to introduce automation, or to boost profits through standardised globalisation (several times), or to slash costs by merging 2 (or more?) local government organisations, there has always been a catalyst for change: a hate figure, a chop-man, a lying parasitic bastard akin to a Judas sheep (“follow me; for if we go forward together this will not hurt”); you know - the person who changes job every couple of years.

One such we called “PB” (psycho-bitch). One bloke “speedboat”, for he went through departments leaving a bow wave that capsized morale and undermined the banks of operational support within that organisation; then there was Jeremy, a real name and a real shit-sucker who rightly acquired the mockingly accurate moniker of “Jerenemy”, for he truly was yer enemy.

Now, once again, I am passing through a “need” for change, but this time to save money, to pay off government debt. I will not name our current chop-man, but for those who may follow this blog, here’s an old poem of mine that once circulated via numerous notice boards….


Dear Jeremy,
what can be said?
you got a department
to shoot in the head,
but the ropes of support
that held "I.T." in place,
soon dropped their load
to splash back in your face.

Like a 10 second surgeon
with blood on your hands,
you've cut off the legs
upon which you stand,
for the droves of staff
that raced past your door,
were a team of professionals
that kept you off the floor.

Not for much longer
will this go on,
we'll continue to leave,
one by one,
and a time will come
when we are no more:
a time not far off,
when you'll see your door.
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