
Tuesday, 7 May 2013


Black dog,
black dog,
faithful you are,
silent in attendance
or waiting afar.

Black dog,
black dog,
loyal as you are,
when I have to tend you,
I just want you afar.

Black dog,
black dog,
you're gnawing at my soul,
do I have to fight you?
me? myself alone?

Black dog,
black dog,
no master of you am I,
for you are an alfa;
for whom I may well die.

Black dog,
black dog.
Black, black,
bad dog.

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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Truism (for social survival)

Lying greases the wheels of society but you don't want to smell of it. 
(Seemingly now the Russian political mantra)

Personal thought - To tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is not necessarily conducive to social survival. Ask any whistleblower, unsatisfied sexual partner, politician, news reporter ....

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