
Monday, 12 March 2018

No To Melrose Industries And GKN

Melrose Industries want GKN, no doubt because of its eventual break-down price, and will rely on shareholder greed to facilitate this. They appear to be a parasitic money-grubbing enterprise, that in decades past would have been called asset-strippers.

I say no to Melrose.

I say no to the breakup of GKN; a profitable UK manufacturer we will need post Brexit.

I say no to the greed of parasitic asset strippers.

UPDATE (19/01/2018):
"Melrose is poised to offer to funnel £1bn into GKN's pension fund in a last-ditch attempt to win its £8.1bn bid for the engineering giant".

- " Offer"? - Of course they will eventually do that. Surely?
- This sounds a bit like Kraft taking over Cadburys in the UK.
- Promises are cheap and often forgotten and this bribe to the workers is cheap.

UPDATE (28/03/2018):
Bye-bye GKN? (stupid government?) ...

UPDATE (30/03/2018):
GKN "succumed" to hostile Melrose bid.
- UK government confirmed as spineless.
- UK politicians traitors to British industrial global reach.
- Is UK run by a bunch of self-serving, infighting wastrels?
- Good luck GKN workers, you will need it.
Too little, too late (as ever) ...
The vultures have arrived and the goverment dithers ...

UPDATE (25/11/2018):
I knew this would happen - the rape of mother GKN begins...

UPDATE (23/02/2019):
View the ongoing story by the BBC...