
Friday, 24 May 2024


Facebook (algorithms) facilitates crimes?

Revision Note: I started this crusade fully expecting Facebook to ignore my reporting of the sites below, but to be honest most are no longer on Facebook (in the guise I found them). I'm leaving this entry here to record objectionable site I've come across.

If you find dodgy Facebook sites you must object to Facebook using your Facebook account. Do this because the complaint processing is algorithm driven and a dodgy site only gets deleted if there are enough complaints against it; so please do your bit to help tidy Facebook. If all legitimate users do this criminals may find they spend all their time replacing their crooked sites closed by Facebook, rather then scamming and breaking the law.


If the link here to a genuine Facebook user remains active (after it was reported on Dec. 6th 2023) it illustrates how Facebook supports crime(s). Selling drugs and real/fake DVLA docs (used to legitimise illegal immigrants) this Facebook ID of "David Hemsley of Liverpool", has updated "her" profile picture several time to fully publicise illegal wares and also gives an external Telegram site link (, where the full extent of this person is revealed. Though this person wears black gloves, one of "his" white hands is clearly shown in a short on this site.

If you come across sites selling fakes, drugs, or originals that are created for the purposes of deception or illegal use then report them to Facebook/Police and keep tabs on whether Facebook do anything about it or not - I bet they will do very little.


If the link here to a genuine Facebook user remains active (after it was reported on Dec. 7th 2023) it illustrates how Facebook supports crime(s). Selling drugs such as Codeine Phosphate, Farmapram, Zopiclone, Oxycodone, Xanax, cloned cards and fake money, delivered by Royal Mail special delivery, this Facebook ID of "Craig Belton Fraise, aka Benzos", has updated his profile picture to fully publicise illegal wares and also gives an external Telegram site link (, where the full extent of this person is revealed.

If you come across sites selling fakes, drugs, or originals that are created for the purposes of deception or illegal use then report them to Facebook/Police and keep tabs on whether Facebook do anything about it or not - I bet they will do very little.


If the link here to a genuine Facebook user remains active (after it was reported on Dec. 7th 2023) it illustrates how Facebook supports crime(s). Selling drugs, real/fake DVLA docs (used to legitimise illegal immigrants), fake money and cloned cards, this Facebook ID of "GetUkdrivinglicence.Clonecards.Propnotes Jackson" of Swansea, has updated their profile picture to fully publicise illegal wares and also gives an external GB WhatsApp contact number, where the full extent of this person is revealed.

If you come across sites selling fakes, drugs, or originals that are created for the purposes of deception or illegal use then report them to Facebook/Police and keep tabs on whether Facebook do anything about it or not - I bet they will do very little.


If the link here to a genuine Facebook user remains active (after it was reported on Dec. 7th 2023) it illustrates how Facebook supports crime(s). Selling drugs, real/fake DVLA docs (used to legitimise illegal immigrants), fake money and cloned cards, this Facebook ID of "GetUkdrivinglicence.Clonecards.Propnotes(Jackson) aka Kialorenaldo" this time from Shillingford in Devon, has updated their profile picture to fully publicise illegal wares and also gives an external Telegram site link (, where the full extent of this person is revealed.

If you come across sites selling fakes, drugs, or originals that are created for the purposes of deception or illegal use then report them to Facebook/Police and keep tabs on whether Facebook do anything about it or not.


If the link here to a genuine Facebook user remains active (after it was reported on Dec. 7th 2023) it illustrates how Facebook supports crime(s). Selling drugs, real/fake DVLA docs (used to legitimise illegal immigrants), fake money and cloned cards, this Facebook ID of "GetUkdrivinglicense.Clonecards.Propnotes Bismark", this time again from Shillingford in Devon, has updated "her" profile picture to fully publicise illegal wares and also gives an external Telegram site link (, where the full extent of this person is revealed.

If you come across sites selling fakes, drugs, or originals that are created for the purposes of deception or illegal use then report them to Facebook/Police and keep tabs on whether Facebook do anything about it or not - I bet they will do very little.


I have come across so many Facebook sites offering drugs, fake money, forged or real documents to aid illegal immigrants or other criminals that I have decided to do no more than list them after reporting them to Facebook. To illustrate their problem I list such sites below, with the day of reporting.

Reported Dec 7th 2023    GRAYSON

Reported Dec 7th 2023    Valiumdiazclonecardcokeprebdrivinglicense

Reported Dec 7th 2023    Ladouce Kenne (King Pharmacy)

Reported Dec 7th 2023    Real Cafu Birmingham Birmingham

Reported Dec 7th 2023    Real Cafu Birmingham (Birmingham)

Reported Dec 7th 2023    CLONED CARDS AND FAKE NOTES

Reported Dec 7th 2023    Ukdrivingliences.Clonecards.Propnotes

Reported Dec 8th 2023    cloned cards and fake notes in europe

Reported Dec 8th 2023    Fake 50 pound sterling notes

Reported Dec 8th 2023    Fast and easy full UK drivers licence

Reported Dec 13th 2023  Danielle Franklin 

Reported Dec 13th 2023  George Dylan  

Reported Jan 1st 2024     LSD anyone Brisbane Belton Fraise

Reported Jan 3rd 2024 Scam / Fake money from Thomas Wuming (AKA Daniel Smith)

Reported Jan 4th 2024    Scam / fake money (Danny notes Jason)

Reported Jan 6th 2024    Counterfeit goods?

Reported May 23rd 2024 Fake cash and documents?

Reported Jul 10th 2024 Fake UK driver licenses

This will be an ongoing topic ....

Thursday, 23 May 2024

What Is Democracy?

Democracy is managed anarchy.

Update April 2024: Since I first published this article in April 2016 I now realise how glib it was. The world has got a lot meaner and dictators seem to be ascendant; certainly right-wing politics at the very least. The number of global whingers and whiners seems to be reaching epidemic levels and WOKEism and tokenism is at a point of absurdity. The hatred of the Jewish state (Israel) is certainly at an all time high since WW2 because of an ongoing genocide in Gaza, whilst Russia is now playing its roulette with peace in Europe, as Trump looks to take America into very odd waters.

Which leads me to my rewrite of the original article.

Democracy is not the only manager of Anarchy, for many "regimes" keep true Anarchy at bay, be they despotic (Putin with Russia and North Korea), Authoritarian (Burma and Arabian peninsular countries for example), Communistic (China and pals). Any regime that manages true Anarchy will do and the only country not able to manage anarchy at the moment seems to be Haiti, where gang rule is now seemingly the new norm, forcing their neighbour, the Dominican Republic to deport 10,000 unwelcome migrants a week. What say you?

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Remember: Maria Krystyna Janina Skarbek (aka Christine Granville)

Here is a British agent active during world war 2. She was a member of Britain' SOE (Special Operation Executive).

She was Polish by birth and served the United Kingdom with resolution and distinction behind enemy lines. Born Maria Krystyna Janina Skarberk, she Anglicized her name to Christine Granville.

Like many Poles who served for the UK, she will drift into history and her story lost, but take a little time here to honour her.

Maria Krystyna Janina Skarberk (aka Christina Granville)

Buried in Kensal Green cemetery in London

Monday, 20 May 2024

A wonder of nature

In northern Illinois a rare natural occurrence is due to happen in 2024, the first since 1803. This will annoy many residents, for though spectacular, the noise, smell and predation on crops and greenery will be of biblical proportions. Read all about it here.

N.B. I have personally experienced a similar event in Australia in the early 90's, in the stare of Victoria, and the noise alone was tiring to say the least. Get those ear-defenders out Illinois!

Cicada noise is mind-blowing 

Some are weird facts about Cicadas:

-   There are 6 species of Cicadas
-   3 species emerge en masse from underground every 13 years
-   3 other species do likewise every 17 years.
-   What maintains their clocks is unknown
-   All emerge from the ground within hours, looking to mate
-   The advantage of this reproductive strategy not known
-   They emerge from the ground within hours
-   The 13 years broods are mostly in Southern global regions
-   The 17 years broods are mostly in Northern global regions
-   The two types are different in size and colouration
-   The 17 years are smaller, the 13's a lot larger

The following site may interest you.

The BBC show this and this.

Friday, 17 May 2024

Word of the day - CRIKEY

The word today is Crikey

Crikey is used mostly by the British but is making in-roads into other Anglicised parts of the world. Its first recorded use was in 1826 and it is unusual in that it seems uncategorised (verb, noun, adjective, etc.), possibly because of  it's vague meaning(s). It's commonly described as an informal British interjection.

I like the word Crikey because it typifies, along with other slang words, the quirky character of truly British people, if I hear these words when travelling abroad they immediately reveal the origin of the speaker.

The etymology of Crikey suggests it to be a contraction of the phrase "Christ Almighty", suggesting its first and original meaning was an expression of shock, fear, surprise, awe and incredulity. The word Gobsmacked could substitute for Crikey, as could Blimey.

Here are a few definitions I found of Crikey.

- To express surprise, speechlessness, incredulity, disbelief, amazement

- To underscore, accentuate, mark or acknowledge an action or mishap

- To express a sense of awe or irony in what is said by another or seen

A word from England, but spreading

Seen someone walk on water or fly unaided? Crikey!
An ugly friend is dating a gorgeous girl?         Crikey!
Someone says you have won a £million. You could respond with Crikey
To any incredulous event or statement or action, you say Crikey

Just by chance I came across this example, when the shock of a British prime minister dumping 7 party members was distilled into crikey; then I found an Australian site actually called Crikey.

There is an index of words of the day.

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Word of the day - BLIMEY

The word today is Blimey

Blimey is used mostly by the British and rarely used in other Anglicised parts of the world. It came into (documented) usage in 1889 and is unusual in that it seems uncategorised (verb, noun, adjective, etc.), possibly because of  it's vague meaning(s). It's commonly described as an informal British interjection.

I like the word Blimey because it typifies, along with other slang words, the quirky character of truly British people, if I hear these words when travelling abroad they immediately reveal the origin of the speaker.

The etymology of Blimey suggests it is a contraction of the phrase "God blind me", evolving into "blind me" and finally Blimey, suggesting its first and original meaning was an expression of shock, fear, incredulity and the wish for God to remove an image or apparition; which boiled-down over time to meaning shock, surprise, disbelief and awe. The word Gobsmacked could substitute for Blimey, as could Crikey.

Here are a few definitions I found of Blimey.

- To express surprise, speechlessness, incredulity, disbelief, amazement

- To underscore, accentuate, mark an action or statement of someone

- To express a sense of irony in what is said by another or seen

A word from England

Seen someone walk on water or fly unaided? Blimey!
An ugly friend is dating a gorgeous girl?         Blimey!
Someone says you have won a £million. You could respond with Blimey
To any incredulous event or statement or action, you say Blimey

There is an index of words of the day.

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Word of the day - ACERBIC

The word today is Acerbic

Acerbic is an adjective and from my research means the following:

- To be sharply and bitingly critical of something

- To be sarcastic or bad tempered in tone whilst reviewing something

- To speak or write in a way that is direct, clever and cruel

If described as acerbic, people think your language critical, yet witty
If described as acerbic your humour is dry, pithy and critical
To be described as acerbic means you critically cut through the crap

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Word of the day - SOUPÇON

The word today is Soupçon

Soupçon is a noun and means the following:

- A very small amount, just a trace, or hardly any at all

- A suspicion or suggestion of something - a soupçon of worry

Translates as "The Era Of Suspicion"

Soupçon is derived from a French word, itself from old Latin
The French version (pronounced the same) still means suspicion
Today soupçon is mainly used to "flag" a comment as being acerbic
  e.g. Do you possibly have a soupçon of energy to get out of that bed?
  e.g. I have a soupçon of fear of poisoning with your food
This is a word headed for obsolescence, being replaced by "just a bit"
  e.g. Just a bit of milk in tea = a soupçon of milk in my tea please
  e.g. A little niggling worry about something = a soupçon of fear/doubt

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Sunday, 12 May 2024


Human Numbers Are The Real Problem







Saturday, 11 May 2024


(An Actor)

An experience in my life that I can never forget, nor really comprehend, was the breakdown a close friend endured very early in adulthood. I was told stuff by the medics, but knew only that we both were bewildered at the time and, with hindsight, emotionally bonded. I tried to remain "strong" and "chipper" but still feel I let them down. This poem was one of many from that time.

If you think of dying
don't leave me alone,
tell me in the morning,
or warn me on the phone.

If you want to leave this world,
just want to get away,
I think I'd like to come along,
but maybe not today.

If you want to leave me
try to tell me why,
so I can understand you,
as I begin to die.

Though you have your troubles
and suffering we are,
call me anyway,
we'll chat in the car.

Above all else,
and this is paramount,
know you are my Chessy
without a doubt.

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Word of the day - ABROGATE

The word today is Abrogate

Abrogate is verb and means the following:

- To end a law, agreement, formality or custom, often by public decree

- To abolish or rescind by authoritative action in order to annul

- To not do what is mandated in law or by social expectation(s)

To abrogate something is to not do it
If you are not doing what you should you are abrogating
If you've not done something you should you have abrogated
People will say you are abrogating if caught not doing what you should

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Friday, 3 May 2024

Word of the day - MACHINATIONS

The word today is Machinations

Machinations is a noun and means the following:

- Acts or language for the purpose of plotting of scheming

- Actions aiming to achieve a purpose, usually forbidden or evil

- Crafty, complicated, underhand, sometimes illegal mechanisms

- Often secret or institutional actions for deception or obfuscation

Machination is singular act or scheme of convoluted deception(s)
Machinations are multiple acts of machination
The word Chicanery is a less severe form of machination
Machinations are best avoided in life

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.