
Monday, 28 October 2024

Feeling Teary?

Tonight, as I write this I am feeling teary. Whilst not blubbering, I am definitely teary. I don't know why, but feelings of not being worthwhile (of what only God knows) are here, so I've been trawling YouTube for personal comforters. Just something to make me smile. If you are feeling teary my advice is let them flow and "keep calm and carry on" as us Traditional Brits do. These may help you for a while .....

Baby singing.

Baby Listening.

Even if Alzheimer's takes you, you are still there.

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Hi Hong Kong and Singapore

I see many readers from Hong Kong and Singapore but are you real people and why do you find my pathetic little site so interesting all of a sudden? Are you spying on me?

Good luck

I want this policy in the UK

IRAN reveals itself

By supplying the missiles for the attack on Israel from Gaza and being a supporter of troubles in Yemen and elsewhere, Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC)  is posting a renewed desire to become a major military power, but why. If their intent is to destabilise their region by antagonising Israel into rash (or deliberate?) actions, then the strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria seems to suggest their aim(s) are being achieved

Israel may have realised the back-room role Iran is playing in the region, but it seems very doubtful their partial withdrawal from Gaza will assuage anyone's annoyance now, nor hint at what comes next, especially so after Hezbollah attacks from Lebanon into the Golan Heights made Israel invade there too, killing many high ranking Hezbollah just as Benjamin Netanyahu asked the Lebanese to help his forces rid themselves of Iran sponsored Hezbollah. That request fell on deaf ears, but the elimination of many Hezbollah leaders will dampen their regional effectiveness and their ability to expedite Iran's desire that Israel dies by a thousand cuts, without openly revealing their long term "gameplay"

Too Old?

Iran's earlier attack on a supposed Israeli "spy headquarters" in northern Iraq and similar aggressions upon Syria and Pakistan (who retaliated of course) revealed their latest desire to become a more significant geopolitical influencer of the middle east, though striking a US military area inside Iraq which killed Americans was ill-advised and must stop if shit is not to hit their fan. Iran is showing off to their regional pals at the moment, hoping for an alliance against Israel, which is perhaps what the original Gaza/Hamas attack was really about? 

Update 14th Apr 2024: Having built tension(s) in the area over many months following the missile strikes and incursion into Israel, with murder and kidnappings, Iran and Israel finally came to blows. These former allies (until 1979) have been bickering for years, but why has Iran attacked Israel?

Israel seems to have been played like a fiddle; having been goaded into an over-the-top response to the "Palestinian" invasion from Gaza they have brought upon themselves global condemnation, enough for the self-appointed regional "white knight" (Iran) to feel justified in now "reprimanding" Israel. This is bad news, but possibly the fulfilment of "someone's" desire for instability in the region, for the long-term eradication of Israel.

Iran seemingly wants war with Israel, with a view to supremacy in the middle east, but US President Biden's condemnation of this brazen act in which over 300 cruise missiles were inbound for Israel will be ignored (for now) by Iran, for Israel has thus far done little more than put themselves on military high alert, choosing to savour their (inevitable) response and it's consequence(s). They are happy to promote the "success" of their defence systems, though it is telling that the USA had the intelligence to warn Israel, yet has refused to be involve in any retaliatory strike(s), the first of which occurred on Thursday 18th April 2024 when Israel (alone) executed a missile strike onto an Iranian town hosting  a major airbase and large missile production complexes. This war is official, we are seeing the first act of a simmering play and nothing good will come of it; Israel have been goaded into a long-term regional conflict and are being "played" into a war, starting with Lebanon's Hezbollah. (What is Hezbollah in Lebanon?)

Howsoever this regional scenario was engineered, Iran appear to be in their enterprise for a long haul, for not only are they targeting mainland Israel, they seems to desire a de-facto embargo of goods into Israel (as was applied to those undergoing a genocide in Gaza), for Iranian forces have begun to seize Israel-linked ships.

Iran's aspirations seems set without major internal changes, so at this time (May 2024) one has to ask, was the death of Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, in a mysterious helicopter, an accident or engineered?  Is  his death the first step to change in Iran or merely the consolidation of political controls to the supreme leader  Ali Khameei? Time will tell ........

Update 6th Jul 2024: The electorate spoke and reformer Massoud Pezeshkian was elected to be the the new president of Iran (not the ultimate voice there), possibly signposting Iran's internal reviewing of their standing and responsibilities in that region.

Update 3rd Aug 2024: Whatever Iran's aims or expectations are in their region, they seem keen to keep swimming in deep waters, for such is their proxy war efforts against Israel in particular that the USA has been triggered into an overt stance in the region, ostensibly in support of Israel who they condemn for the genocide ongoing in Gaza. Such is the region's dogma on many "sides" that all parties argue their greater "rights" and continue to kill, subjugate, terrify, curtail or ruin the aspiration of millions of innocents to just live a "normal" life, unfettered by political, religious, power-hungry war-mongers.

Update 25th Oct 2024: This is it then, Israel has spoken and struck out directly and decisively at Iran who can no longer skulk in the shadows of their mercenary's actions. They are being called out by Israel and it's time for them to put-up or shut-up. To escalate or not. Whatever they wish(ed) for in that region is now becoming the main event.

Update 10th Oct 2024: With the sudden overthrow of the Syrian dictatorship of Assad and the decimation of Hezbollah's leadership by Israeli actions, there will be an unstable power vacuum, meaning Iran must now be overt or retiring in its stance toward Israel, as its regional aspirations seem to be shattering. They may also need to come to terms with a wide-spread simmering resentment of Iran's national mismanagement amongst its population. It can only be hoped that the new Syrian head man can bring some stability to the region.

Sunday, 20 October 2024

What is wrong with "British" parents?

What on earth is wrong with the recent generations of parents in the United Kingdom? Why will they not ensure their children are vaccinated when their time comes due?

Unlike my generation, modern parents are not as trusting of anything said by "officials", but are more than happy to trust their own judgement by predicting "their" child will not catch and spread the likes of Mumps, Measles, Chickenpox, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Rubella, Typhus, Diphtheria and even Polio (from Pakistan), some of which can kill or severely maim their precious child(ren).

I wonder how enraged they would be following infection in their child or themselves via another unvaccinated child? Whooping Cough is particularly easy to transmit.

UK vaccinations for children are free so use them you fools. I don't care that you think they do not  work, that you are in a suspicious-minded ethnic group or have some crack-pot religious reasoning. Just do it and don't play with your child's health. The rest of the world believe in inoculation so why don't you? If worried about it, click here.

We know it makes sense

Smallpox killed millions but vaccination eradicated it globally

Saturday, 19 October 2024

Word of the day - FRISSON

The word today is Frisson (Free-sohn)

This is a bit of a departure for us today as this is actually a French word, not from my native English.

Frisson is a noun and from my research means the following:

- A brief moment of intense arousal (pleasure/fear/peace/awe)

- A sudden feeling of excitement (or fear) giving pleasure or satisfaction

- A temporary rush of emotion(s) triggered by internal or external trigger(s)

French for shiver apparently

It is not known how many languages this French word has been absorbed into.

Frisson is a wonderful word encompassing many "feelings" 
Frisson is a pysical response to an emotional ocurrence (and vice-versa)
Frisson is described by the English phrase "A shiver down my back".
Frisson may also be described as "Made my hair stand on end"
A frisson may result from fear, happiness, contentment, awe or expectation

If you need more start here, herehere or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Saturday, 12 October 2024

She almost got away with it (murder!)

Here is the story of a murderer; a young woman who killed both of her parents at the same time and for over 4 years no-one had a clue. In fact it took her immediate and voluntary confession, at the time her front door was smashed down by the police, before anyone could really comprehend what they had exposed. For four years she had lived alone in the house of her (dead) parents, with them secreted and entombed in upper-floor rooms. She almost got away with murder!

Being an aspiring painter with few acquaintances, she had formerly lived with her parents, but to free herself from a well of debts she took money from them whilst they were alive and then after their murders.

In one day she poisoned her father and battered her mother with a hammer until dead, then (rather craftily) did nothing. I suppose her thought was "no body, no crime", so she simply hung on to her parents and all evidence of their deaths. They went upstairs and the blooded hammer went under the stairs. Job done!

Covid-19 restrictions helped her explain their initial "disappearance" through to 2022, then up to September 2023 she explained to neighbours and former acquaintances that they had "retired to the Clacton area". She even had an unrelated visit by the police, who she invited into the house, but they didn't "smell" a thing wrong.

What she didn't foresee was a GP at her parent's medical practice referring them to a council "safeguarding" team, who eventually  called in the police; and her game was over.

Neighbours and the few people who interacted with Virginia McCullough described her as being "a quite pleasant fantasist", "funny and irreverent, with a dark sense of humour", though a 36 year sentence for double murder will no doubt knock that out of her. My irreverent sense of humour suggests the price of her paintings has just gone up!

Virginia McCullogh - Let me tell you officer, they are upstairs!

Read a press article here and another regarding the prosecution of an intrusive blogger.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Word of the day - LASCIVIOUS

The word today is Lascivious

Lascivious is an adjective and from my research means the following:

- Expressing a strong desire for sexual activity

- To be lustful, possibly in a predatory sense

- To be insatiable with regard to lustful desire(s)

Not good to be Lascivious!

By acting lasciviously you are exhibiting lasciviousness
By acting lasciviously you are being lascivious
If someone says you are lascivious they think you sex-mad and creepy
Lasciviousness  is not what you want to be accused of!
Lasciviousness applies to any person, akin to predatory nymphomania
Lascivious and Libidinous of get mixed-up

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Monday, 7 October 2024

Word of the day - INSIDIOUS

The word today is Insidious

Insidious is an adjective and from my research means the following:

- Working or spreading harmfully in subtle and stealthy ways.

- Steadfastly working to entrap or introduce treachery to others.

- To be unremitting in a beguiling yet harmful enterprise.

- Secretly and gradually cause harm(s) .

Insidious means an ongoing corruption is in play!

To be insidious you or they are unrelenting and deviously malignant
Acting insidiously, your insidious aim will reveal its insidiousness
If someone says you are insidious they think you are a bad influence
Insidiousness is not what you want to be accused of!

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Friday, 4 October 2024

Kath Hignet - Newsweek News

Kath Hignet News

This journalist's article (or A.I. Code) contains poor grammar foisted upon readers via Internet "News". I may read false news but I want it well written.

"A galaxy spinning around a hungry supermassive black hole that's guzzling down matter and shooting out plasma jets has grabbed the attention of astronomers 13 billion light years away. This plasma-spewing quasar is spurting out brighter radio emissions than anything else ever observed in the early universe."

Q. Are the astronomers really 13 billion light years away?
Q. Are we in the "early universe", or another?

A galaxy spinning around a hungry supermassive black hole that's 13 billion light years away (from earth) and guzzling down matter whilst shooting out plasma jets has grabbed the attention of astronomers 13 billion light years away. This plasma-spewing quasar is spurting out brighter radio emissions than anything else ever observed in the early universe.
-------------------- " --------------------

5th Feb 2024  
I came across this in an unattributed BBC article and it doesn't seem right. Call me pedantic if you wish, but I like things right (quite often my "right").

"Jason Elordi has been accused of grabbing the reporter behind a radio prank gone wrong by the throat."
Jason Elordi has been accused of grabbing by the throat, the reporter behind a radio prank gone wrong.
-------------------- " --------------------

30th Jun 2024  
Another a BBC article, this time by Lipica Pelham.

"French media reported that three armed, hooded men arrived at the reception venue in Thionville late on Saturday night before opening fire on guests."
 (as they did not have three arms each)
French media reported that three hooded and armed men arrived at the reception venue in Thionville late on Saturday night, before opening fire on guests.
-------------------- " --------------------

3rd Jul 2024  
Another a BBC article, this time by Jeremy Britton.

"The suitcase was found 10 days later by a member of the public washed up on the riverbank downstream, still containing the body of Ms Begum."
 (as the finder wasn't washed up)
Found by a member of the public, the suitcase was locate 10 days later, washed up on the downstream riverbank and still containing the body of Ms Begum.
-------------------- " --------------------

4th Oct 2024  
Another a BBC article, this time by Jack Burgess.

"A French judge reversed a ruling in the trial of a man who is accused of drugging his wife to sleep and recruiting dozens of men to abuse her for over a decade."
 (as his wife was not actually asleep for a decade)
A French judge reversed a ruling in the trial of a man who is accused of repeatedly drugging his wife to sleep for over a decade and recruiting dozens of men to abuse her.

N.B. This is a terrible French crime and the details get worse, but its victim is dignified and stoic.
-------------------- " --------------------

24th Jan 2025 
Another unattributed BBC article.

"Ethan Armstrong, 26, pleaded guilty to one count of violent disorder at Hull Crown Court."
 (as his violent disorder was not actually at Hull Crown Court)
Ethan Armstrong, 26, pleaded guilty at Hull Crown Court to one count of violent disorder.
-------------------- " --------------------

11th Feb 2025 
Another unattributed BBC article.

"French prosecutors have confirmed how a British couple died, five days after they were found in their rural home in south-west France."
 (no-one killed 5 days after being found in French prosecutors' home)
Five day after being found dead in their rural property in south-west France, French Prosecutors have confirmed how the British couple died.
-------------------- " --------------------

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Phil Shiner - what a shit you are

Crooked ex-lawyer Phil Shiner

Phil Shiner is the sort of person I despise, because of what he has been found guilty of.

Hiding behind a façade of supposed respectability as a British lawyer, heading up the firm Public Interest Lawyers (who were NOT found guilty), his greed and self-serving actions undermined the very forces who would actually fight to their death to protect his cushy life in the UK. 

By fishing for business in the WOKE world of total righteousness', he engaged local "agents" to cold-call in Iraq in order to drum-up false claims against UK forces and thereby secure him paid work. 

If you ever meet him, don't forget to remind him that he's a parasitic slime-ball.

He initially denied his dubious practice but the truth finally came out and here is his story.