
Saturday 12 October 2024

She almost got away with it (murder!)

Here is the story of a murderer; a young woman who killed both of her parents at the same time and for over 4 years no-one had a clue. In fact it took her immediate and voluntary confession, at the time her front door was smashed down by the police, before anyone could really comprehend what they had exposed. For four years she had lived alone in the house of her (dead) parents, with them secreted and entombed in upper-floor rooms. She almost got away with murder!

Being an aspiring painter without many acquaintances, she had formerly lived with her parents, but to free herself from a well of debts she took money from them whilst they were alive and then after their murders.

In one day she poisoned her father and battered her mother with a hammer until dead, then (rather craftily) did nothing. I suppose her thought was "no body, no crime", so she simply hung on to her parents and all evidence of their deaths. They went upstairs and the blooded hammer went under the stairs. Job done!

Covid-19 restrictions helped her explain their initial "disappearance" through to 2022, then up to September 2023 she explained to neighbours and former acquaintances that they had "retired to the Clacton area". She even had an unrelated visit by the police, who she invited into the house, but they didn't "smell" a thing wrong.

What she didn't foresee was a GP at her parent's medical practice referring them to a council "safeguarding" team, who eventually  called in the police; and her game was over.

Neighbours and the few people who interacted with Virginia McCullough described her as being "a quite pleasant fantasist", "funny and irreverent, with a dark sense of humour", though a 36 year sentence for double murder will no doubt knock that out of her. My irreverent sense of humour suggests the price of her paintings has just gone up!

Virginia McCullogh - Let me tell you officer, they are upstairs!

Read a press article here.

Netanyahu digs his hole

Benjamin Netanyahu (on/off prime minister of Israel since 1996) is being squeezed as never before, because of his apparent desire to erase Israel's "Palestinian problem" and fight off internal dissenters, whilst hoping the USA doesn't turn into a "frenemy", as it seems to be doing, for Israel's period of grace may now be coming to an end as USA President Biden steps aside having already officially censured Israel. Meanwhile, South Africa has cited Israel for Genocide in Gaza and the USA is fast losing diplomatic patience with their "errant child" as he steps out onto very thin ice. Biden decided strong words are not enough and refused to use its veto for a UN Security Council resolution that an immediate ceasefire in Gaza be agreed as Israeli forces continue to destroy humanitarian infrastructure, emphasised by vice president Kamala Harris (now effectively running the show until the next election), who met with and told Netanyahu, the Gaza war has to end.  The UK seems to be falling in with this sentiment now as they officially withdrew their opposition to the International Criminal Court's desire to issue an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu, and have suspended arms sales to Israel, an act that Netanyahu said was "shameful" (which seems a bit rich to me).

By rejecting strong signals from the USA (and others), to get his house in order and stabilise their seemingly never-ending Palestinian "problems", the hubris of Benjamin Netanyahu will be his downfall, for if these two fall-out Israel would indeed look like a little country; Iran would become bolder and Israel would "have to" execute an "overwhelming" response, as is their want. Netanyahu's 4th visit to the US senate neatly underscored the poor state of  their relationship, for whilst he said to the US, "our war is your war" (which it is not), dozens of influential people did not bother to attend. Is the USA beginning to step back from Israel?

The USA put a shot across his bow by reiterating that supplied arms must be used legally and within international law, yet the Israeli's have "gone over the top" against Palestinians and Hamas in Gaza, causing the Dutch to refuse F-35 parts and many other suppliers to question their role in this, including the UK. The USA has also started to sanction Israeli individuals as a cease and desist policy, though this is proving ineffective

He's had his warnings and the USA will no longer stomach his wanton destruction of Gazan citizens, for they are overflying Gaza for drops of aid and have constructed a huge floating pier, thereby defying what this apparent despot wants. Having said that the US still offered Israel a $1 billion carrot, no doubt to hold back a domestic stink by powerful and assertive supporters of Israel in the USA.

There is no doubting Netanyahu is a survivor, but his problems are really stacking up as Israel continues to sorely vex it's biggest ally, that has refused to help with retaliatory attacks on Iran because they want Israel to come to its main sponsor's heel; indeed a lever of funding received by Israel has been pulled for an ultra orthodox unit of the Israeli defence forces, ostensibly for human rights violations. Netanyahu is rejecting these cuts, which is ironic as they are not his by right and he must now keep control of ultra reactionary Zealots under his command, as many are being reported by whistle-blowers for treating detainees very badly.

The USA may wish to tie his hands in order to keep theirs clean and if Trump comes back into power Israel may be tossed to the "dogs"!

Benjamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu, for so long the strongman of Israeli politics, is now being pressured from within Israel as the Gaza war edges beyond conflict into a genocide. His prior attempts at fiddling with their constitution (courts) remains unresolved and very unpopular, with many seeing him as flawed by despotic tendencies, though he may just be espousing his fanatical Zionist political backers. (Do you believe this?)  He is maybe coming to the end of his reign of influence for rejecting the USA is not going to be good for him, regional stability, nor Israel. Internal dissent is being made public, with "his own people" willing to undermine his political standing; some now calling him a danger to Israel as seniors begin to disengage from this every more serious mess. Even those in the Israeli war cabinet are extraditing themselves from Netanyahu's legacy of rampant vengeance.

His enduring problem now is that he has put himself between a rock and a very hard place: his rock is his stated and expected commitment to eradicating Hamas (and its sponsorship), whilst his very hard place is that where much of his strategy in Gaza is deemed by many to be a genocide. His apparent "Kill 'em all" approach is the very thing that undermines his global standing, yet any deal with Hamas is not wanted by the influential hard right who are damaging his tenure at the top in Israel, for the survival of Hamas amounts to his own defeat, as would a total breakdown of support from the USA who are currently restricting themselves to words of advice and aid for Palestinians trapped in Gaza. The International Court Of Justice ordered Israel to cease yet there are no signs that Israel is listening, for Netanyahu says there will be no Gaza ceasefire, nor let-up of actions against Lebanon until Israel's uncertain war aims are achieved, even as the United Nations adds Israel and Hamas to the list countries committing violation of children.

Side Note: Ultra orthodox Jews living in Israel are now deemed eligible for conscription into the Israeli army and as the war in Gaza grinds on their indignation in obvious in their selfish collective protestations. Their religious exemption has been removed and funding for their seminaries suspended, but at last they will be able to "fight" those that their fellow right-wing political brethren seemingly want eradicating. I hope their sincere beliefs will protect them from PTSD and the carnage they are now expected to embark upon, and that battle-hardened troops will greet them into their world without any resentment toward their orthodoxy. If lucky enough to hold dual nationality many could possibly scuttle back to their productive studies in another country?

For readers who need a short recap of why Israel started stripping away its good-standing in the world, read this, or for a broader understanding try this.

Final Note: This is where the war is, but I no-longer feel a need to express further thoughts regarding Benjamin Netanyahu, as his policies and this war will rumble on and spread as such things do when all parties (Israel, Palestinians, Hamas and more recently Lebanon) and Hezbollah and Houthis are intransigent. (What is Hezbollah?) US President Biden wants (global) peace but he's got no chance whilst these parties merely want to kill each other (with the malevolent assistance of Iran);  Hamas infuriated Israel so much that Netanyahu has grossly over-reacted in order to sell his "saviour of Israel" mantra, when in fact many in Israel have wanted to see the back of him from before the war, with an enduring "peace" for Israel.  His actions must be manna from heaven for Iran's aspirations in the region and I genuinely believe Israel will allow his post-war trial for genocide in order to clean their political slate and keep the USA "onside". Finally I condemn not Jews, nor Jewish individuals anywhere for what is going on in Gaza, for that judgement is reserved for the Israeli state politicians and their principle "driver(s)". Thanks for reading.

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Friday 11 October 2024

Axel Muganwa Rudakubana

Watch your back lad.

I know I am being irrational, but the the attempted murder of dozens of children and nearby adults means this nutter should be strung-up.

Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, 17, UK born of two Rwandan parents deliberately sought, attacked and maimed dozens of small children with a knife, killing 3 of them. He crossed the line even hardened criminals hold sacred and he should be put down. If he has an earlier history, those who allowed him to roam free are culpable.

From his antics sprang a series of widespread and seriously violent protests, about which I am not sure, but the weather was hot, the nights long and the whispering classes, (online organisers of trouble makers) induced mindless plebs, always sold in the media as the far right, to the streets to cause their trouble. Police were attacked and maimed, just because they are the police who have to stop "people" from running riot. The scenario seems to be, 1) Have a chat on (un)social media, 2) Try to congregate around a mosque or illegal immigrant "hotel", 3) Chuck stuff at these, then turn on the police who have to preserve them and 4) In the ensuing melee do whatever you fancy: loot, steal, burn, attack, maim; and try to be a "big" man (hiding behind your actual mask or crackpots theories or "programming"). Smashing a copper in the head, that you may have need of tomorrow is not too bright is it?

The root of this, I believe, is far-flung immigrants have reached a tipping point of tolerance for many in the UK (and Germany?) and the "nutcase Rwandan" is their fuse, fanned by online agitators. They believe he represents all that is wrong in their space, when what is wrong is the State never has balls when it came to visitors who do not go "home". In quality analysis there is a term, "lakes and streams", which means if you let enough polluting streams into a clean "lake", it will become polluted itself over time.

Immediately handing down punitive sentences to rioting miscreants may frighten many others off for now, as well as overpacking already packed prisons, but if the bubbling problems in the UK are not effectively addressed by the new Labour government during their term, much latent dsquiet may find another fuse. Axel Muganwa Rudakubana murdered kids and was an unexpected fuse, but I worry about what will be next?

Rant over.

Update Oct 11th 2024 - Though it will be months (possibly years) before this case comes to trial (to let the UK cool down a bit), a visit by Royalty to bereaved parents took place and was made public; a tacit signal that from the top down the UK acknowledges racial intolerance being driven by unbridled illegal immigration.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Word of the day - LASCIVIOUS

The word today is Lascivious

Lascivious is an adjective and from my research means the following:

- Expressing a strong desire for sexual activity

- To be lustful, possibly in a predatory sense

- To be insatiable with regard to lustful desire(s)

Not good to be Lascivious!

By acting lasciviously you are exhibiting lasciviousness
By acting lasciviously you are being lascivious
If someone says you are lascivious they think you sex-mad and creepy
Lasciviousness  is not what you want to be accused of!
Lasciviousness applies to any person, akin to predatory nymphomania
Lascivious and Libidinous of get mixed-up

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Monday 7 October 2024

Word of the day - INSIDIOUS

The word today is Insidious

Insidious is an adjective and from my research means the following:

- Working or spreading harmfully in subtle and stealthy ways.

- Steadfastly working to entrap or introduce treachery to others.

- To be unremitting in a beguiling yet harmful enterprise.

- Secretly and gradually cause harm(s) .

Insidious means an ongoing corruption is in play!

To be insidious you or they are unrelenting and deviously malignant
Acting insidiously, your insidious aim will reveal its insidiousness
If someone says you are insidious they think you are a bad influence
Insidiousness is not what you want to be accused of!

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Friday 4 October 2024

Kath Hignet - Newsweek News

Kath Hignet News

This journalist's article (or A.I. Code) contains poor grammar foisted upon readers via Internet "News". I may read false news but I want it well written.

"A galaxy spinning around a hungry supermassive black hole that's guzzling down matter and shooting out plasma jets has grabbed the attention of astronomers 13 billion light years away. This plasma-spewing quasar is spurting out brighter radio emissions than anything else ever observed in the early universe."

Q. Are the astronomers really 13 billion light years away?
Q. Are we in the "early universe", or another?

A galaxy spinning around a hungry supermassive black hole that's 13 billion light years away (from earth) and guzzling down matter whilst shooting out plasma jets has grabbed the attention of astronomers 13 billion light years away. This plasma-spewing quasar is spurting out brighter radio emissions than anything else ever observed in the early universe.
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Mon 5th Feb 2024  
I came across this in a BBC article and it doesn't seem right. Call me pedantic if you wish, but I like things right (quite often my "right").

"Jason Elordi has been accused of grabbing the reporter behind a radio prank gone wrong by the throat."
Jason Elordi has been accused of grabbing by the throat, the reporter behind a radio prank gone wrong."
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Sun 30th Jun 2024  
Another a BBC article, this time by Lipica Pelham.

"French media reported that three armed, hooded men arrived at the reception venue in Thionville late on Saturday night before opening fire on guests."
 (because they did not have three arms each)
"French media reported that three hooded and armed men arrived at the reception venue in Thionville late on Saturday night, before opening fire on guests."
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Wed 3rd Jul 2024  
Another a BBC article, this time by Jeremy Britton.

"The suitcase was found 10 days later by a member of the public washed up on the riverbank downstream, still containing the body of Ms Begum."
 (because the finder wasn't washed up)
"Found by a member of the public, the suitcase was locate 10 days later, washed up on the downstream riverbank and still containing the body of Ms Begum."
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Fri 4th Oct 2024  
Another a BBC article, this time by Jack Burgess.

"A French judge reversed a ruling in the trial of a man who is accused of drugging his wife to sleep and recruiting dozens of men to abuse her for over a decade."
 (because his wife was not actually asleep for a decade)
"A French judge reversed a ruling in the trial of a man who is accused of repeatedly drugging his wife to sleep for over a decade and recruiting dozens of men to abuse her."

N.B. This is a terrible French crime and the details get worse.
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Tuesday 1 October 2024

Phil Shiner - what a shit you are

Crooked ex-lawyer Phil Shiner

Phil Shiner is the sort of person I despise, because of what he has been found guilty of.

Hiding behind a façade of supposed respectability as a British lawyer, heading up the firm Public Interest Lawyers (who were NOT found guilty), his greed and self-serving actions undermined the very forces who would actually fight to their death to protect his cushy life in the UK. 

By fishing for business in the WOKE world of total righteousness', he engaged local "agents" to cold-call in Iraq in order to drum-up false claims against UK forces and thereby secure him paid work. 

If you ever meet him, don't forget to remind him that he's a parasitic slime-ball.

He initially denied his dubious practice but the truth finally came out and here is his story.