
Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Australia's dirty secrets

Leaving aside Australia's unwillingness to engage with their apparent national misogyny, which has been longstanding and only now coming to the national table for true debate,  Australians are (finally) waking up to their country's dirty secrets. The sort that undermine their stated aims on climate change and stewardship of the country; for Australia is the world's second biggest coal exporter ( >350 million tons of coal) and still relies on fossil fuel for its own electricity needs, refusing to give up coal whilst making net zero pledges This fact was exposed to the wider world by 3000 Australians who converged at the Newcastle (NSW) coal export station for a 30-hour (weekend) blockade of it's shipping lane. Surprisingly, some would say, it was approved by the local police.

Unsurprisingly, 109 protesters became a little heady with their 30-hour success and 104 were subsequently arrested and charged for their refusal to leave the harbour channel when the time came to get the money flowing again. Ah! - big cash business vs global climate change again; which confirms what many global authorities already think: Australia is a "climate laggard". The fact that four new coal mine licenses have recently been granted also shines a light on Australia's cynicism, much to the delight of "the greens".

Australian coal protestors at Newcastle (NSW)


The press in Australia talking about their greenhouse gas emissions as "a national disgrace", which they are; indeed the latest statistics regarding CO2 emissions per person make Australia the 10th highest polluting country (out of 208). Leaving aside minor states (Palau, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Trinidad, Brunei, Gibraltar) only Canada is worse at 9th. In numerical terms Australia has a value of 15.12, whilst the UK value is 5.00 and many countries are openly asking, What is Australia doing about climate change?

We here in the UK are being financially thrashed in the name of saving the planet, whilst the Australian parliament seems to have their heads up their collective arse on this. I have friends and family members who are Australians (for 40+ years) and their consensus is that Australian politicians are self-seeking power brokers, too busy looking big for their local voters, who squander time in office by being mostly ineffective and unable to address national issues such as housing, financebankingmisogyny, agriculture and land management. (Scathing or what?) Of these a dysfunctional housing market has precipitated 122,000 homeless people - half of 1% of a 27,000,000 population.

It is not all bad news from Australia, as pure ("gold") Hydrogen was added to the list of permitted natural substances in 2023, when 18 companies were granted exploration licenses across 570,000 square kilometres (32%) of the state of South Australia. This followed the discovery of a large gas field by a company called Gold Hydrogen, which intends to bring it on-stream as soon as possible. This will alleviate some measures of CO2 and other gaseous emissions, which are slowly falling in response to internal efforts and energy generation is improving, but with regard to coal exports, merely thinking "we export coal but WE don't burn it" could be likened to "we sell poison but don't force anyone to take it" and does not absolve them, when their coal is burnt in the furnaces of less enlightened (or caring) customers, who indirectly are screwing one of Australia's ecologies and biggest tourist attraction.

Australian coal exports will become a major embarrassment as Australia's greenhouse pollution from coal is higher per person than any other developed country! Not good when air quality is already bad in the large cities. 

If I could ask Australia one thing, it would be this. "You have the most polluting neighbours in the world (China and India), but do you want to remain in that club when you have wind and sun aplenty and a huge landmass on which to generate electrical power; so why won't you?" Australia used to look forward, but at this time it is looking away.

COP28 took place in Dubai, with little progress and others will follow, but will oil and coal producers actually take note and why are the Australians even bothering to attend, for many will just laugh at them. See how your country is doing.

P.S. Trees of any kind (maybe not Palm oil plantations) are good for the earth as they soak up all sorts of crap, air air-born gaseous pollutants and give us Oxygen, whilst enabling many forms of biological diversity amongst them; so if you are able, please plant a tree and nurture it as best you can, if not for yourself but the children of the next 200 years. Perhaps checkout this site as well.

As an aside, surely this cannot be acceptable; even though I understand there are long-standing strains and injustices between authorities and indigenous (Aboriginal) citizens (especially in the Northern Territory) it seems to me that criminalising 10 year olds is a good way to seed a criminal underclass of the future.

Monday, 4 November 2024

WAR (Especially modern warfare)

Through the mists of time,
the shrouded depths of eons past,
come the cries of futility and war,
of fallen men, fallen empires
there is no more.
Through the experience of time nothing is learned,
nothing understood,
war kills, stifles, rots and maims;
there is no good.
A war breeds heroes
hate and vengefulness,
it fractures nations
and cosmopolitan in its progress
becomes more, "Couldn't care less".
War of today in these mists of time
indiscriminate with public to view,

could envelope the world of nations, 
me and you.

Feb 17 2022 - Please Mr. Russia do not invade.
                       USA keep your nose out. 
                       UK stop pretending you matter.

Feb 21 2022 - Here we go! National military complexes with too much stock?

Jun 08 2023 - Is the USA escalating atrocity or merely de-stocking?
                        Is the USA wrong?

Jun 11 2023 - Ukraine joining Nato is a WW3 trigger.
                         Pacts such as this started WW1 and WW2.
                         Still Ukraine want to join NATO

Jun 12 2023 - NATO avoid global repercussion of accepting Ukraine.
                          Ukraine must know NATO doesn't want their war ...

Sep 11 2023 - Oh no, these Two crackpots are talking - watch out!

Jul 01 2024 - Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orban becomes the rotating president of Europe for 6 months, which will strain relations with Ukraine as he is a known friend of Russia's president, warmonger Vladimir (I always put the boot in) Putin. Orban wants to see a ceasefire and is critical of the wests military aid. My question is why and what is in it for Orban?

Jul 04 2024 - Do real Russians never get to know of  this wanton and flagrant waste?

Nov 18th 2024 - A very important/dangerous decree was made by outgoing US president Joseph Biden, in that he allowed Ukraine to commence firing American made long-range missiles into Russia. His reason seems obscure (to me) other than to leave the incoming teams of Donald (the crazy) Trump some real world problems to tackle, whilst they "Make America Great Again". I think Biden is saying as much to Trump as he is to Putin - you are both as bad as each other, so bring it on! This decision may have some historic significance. Putin of course responded with some familiar nebulous threats and let off an ancient ICBM toward Ukraine, whilst the once proud Russian citizens continue to submit to his lunacy or their role in his "meat grinder vanity war". 

Feb 13th 2025 - With a change of  the American president there came a change of  the "official line", which is that Trump wants the Russian war in Ukraine ended, probably because of costs and Trump's desire to look good. Either way, he has set the new agenda, no-matter who does or does not like his approach. Obviously the cessation of any war is good, but I'm pretty sure many Ukrainians feel abandoned to their fate.
Here are links to some of my other war poems:

Here's a poem I came across by an artist called Mark Automation

The freedoms that we fought so hard to save
Are snatched out of our desperate grasping hands
And buried in an unmarked shallow grave

Despite our struggle, valiant and brave
They slowly seep away like hourglass sands;
These freedoms that we fought so hard to save

So helplessly we faced that tidal wave
And what became of all our hopeful plans?
They're buried in an unmarked shallow grave

The zealots fulminate and rant and rave
They seek to sabotage with their demands
The freedoms that we fought so hard to save

And when they gain the power that they crave
No clemency for any who withstand
Just burial in an unmarked shallow grave

And now we're little more than galley slaves
We blindly follow all of their commands
The freedoms that we fought so hard to save
Lie buried in an unmarked shallow grave


from IMPOSSIBILISM, released January 4, 2023
Ukraine Russia Russian Invasion Ukrainian Suffering Russian Bastards, Keep out, WW11


For many days I've likened to death,
shot in the arm, the leg and the chest;
and laying on mud therein a ditch,
I've prayed for an end - to toss in my pitch;
but no-one's heard me - no-one's seen;
as I fight for death - to forget what's been.
I fight for death but she's taking her rest;
so I merely exist in my time of pain;
and I'll never die, I'll just exist,
I'll never move and I'll never stir,
for as long as mankind - I'll always be there.

Some soldiers were brought back


J nnbb

AR Warfare FIGHTING Armed Conflict WW1 Trench LAURENCEAUX England LAURENCEAU Lawrenceaux LAWRENCEAU Laureanceaux LAURANCEAU Lawranceaux LAWRANCEAU Loranceaux LORANCEAU Lorranceaux LORRANCEAU POETRY Prose POEMS Social Comments HUMOUR Humerous SMILE Smiling LAUGH Laughing LAFF Laffing CYNICAL Truism TRUISMS Welcome HULL Kingston-Upon-Hull Kingston Upon Hull KINGSTON-ON-HULL Kingston On Hull YORKSHIRE East Yorkshire HUMBERSIDE Yorkshire DEPRESSION ThisISUll FED-UP Pissed-Off LONELY Disgruntled DISSOLUSIONED Blue BLACK Thinking BLOG Blogger LYONEL


This poem was inspired by the film "Oh! What A Lovely War".

The war wasted men,
the trench souls
and minds
puppeteer'd from above
by moustachioed children.

Rapacious rats
crawled over dead
zombies of patriotism
and thoughtless death,
as they enriched the soil with blood.

And the glory of death is remembered.
The warmth of sacrifice cherished.

For the good of peace
death was refereed by God
who was on both sides,

helping poppies to grow;
orange spotted with black.

One for each man:
dried blood stains
on the face of a gas attack,
picked in bunches
and held in a virginal hand.

And the glory of death is remembered.
The warmth of sacrifice cherished.


La guerre a gâché les hommes,
les âmes tranchées
et les esprits
marionnettiste d’en haut
par les enfants moustachioed.

Rats rapaces
rampé sur les morts
zombies du patriotisme
et la mort insensée,
comme ils ont enrichi le sol avec du sang.

Et la gloire de la mort est rappelée.
La chaleur du sacrifice chéri.

Pour le bien de la paix
la mort a été arbitrée par Dieu
qui était des deux côtés,
aider les coquelicots à pousser;
orange tacheté de noir.

Un pour chaque homme:
taches de sang séché
face à une attaque au gaz,
cueillis en grappes
et tenu dans une main virginale.

Et la gloire de la mort est rappelée.
La chaleur du sacrifice chéri.

WAR Warfare FIGHTING Armed Conflict WW1
Trench LAURENCEAUX England LAURENCEAU Lawrenceaux LAWRENCEAU Laureanceaux LAURANCEAU Lawranceaux LAWRANCEAU Loranceaux LORANCEAU Lorranceaux LORRANCEAU POETRY Prose POEMS Social Comments HUMOUR Humerous SMILE Smiling LAUGH Laughing LAFF Laffing CYNICAL Truism TRUISMS Welcome HULL Kingston-Upon-Hull Kingston Upon Hull KINGSTON-ON-HULL Kingston On Hull YORKSHIRE East Yorkshire HUMBERSIDE Yorkshire DEPRESSION ThisISUll FED-UP Pissed-Off LONELY Disgruntled DISSOLUSIONED Blue BLACK Thinking BLOG Blogger LYONEL

11/11/11 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, lest we forget?

The war wasted men,
the trench souls
and minds
puppeteered from above
by moustachioed children.

Rapacious rats
crawled over dead
zombies of patriotism
and thoughtless death,
as they enriched the soil with blood.

And the glory of death is remembered.
The warmth of sacrifice cherished.

For the good of peace
death was refereed by God
who was on both sides,

helping poppies to grow;
orange spotted with black.

One for each man:
dried blood stains
on the face of a gas attack,
picked in bunches
to be held in a virginal hand.

And the glory of death is remembered.
The warmth of sacrifice cherished.

La poem en Francais? :........

La guerre a gâché les hommes,
les â mes de tranchée
et les esprits
marionnettiste d'en haut
par des enfants moustachus.

Rats rapaces
rampé sur morts
zombies du patriotisme
et la mort sans réfléchir,
comme ils ont enrichi le sol avec du sang.

Et on se souvient de la gloire de la mort.
La chaleur du sacrifice chérie.

Pour le bien de la paix
la mort a été arbitrée par Dieu
qui était des deux côtés,
aider les coquelicots à se développer;
orange tacheté de noir.

Un pour chaque homme:
taches de sang séchées
face à une attaque au gaz,
cueilliens en grappes
et tenu dans une main virginale.

Et on se souvient de la gloire de la mort.
La chaleur du sacrifice chérie.

Sunday, 3 November 2024

How many people in the world?

I came across this website, which you may be tempted to visit, that gives details about the world's human population.

We humans are the "elephant in the room" when looking at many world problems, from famine to war, to monumental destruction of habitat, including our own. Cutting the number of children being conceived for a couple of years might is a good and long-lasting solution?

People / Km2 - The UK is officially full so stay away!

I think a falling global population can be our only viable option for human continuance, but many  "professional" Demographers do not, citing population growth is needed to facilitate market growth, as if "growth" is good for the world as opposed to merely good for multi-nationals. Fewer "workers" mean more robots can be used, which can be switched off or on as demand varies; it means less is demanded from the Earth and we can proceed with more and more set-aside for re-wilding. 

Those who say we need more people to defend ourselves (war) forget that we could produce robot armies to our hearts content and virtually automate wars if we have the wealth to do so. I just don't see  continuous human population growth as being desirable in any way, as many in more enlightened populations are demonstrating by a "jaw-dropping" global fall in babies.

Remember: Mabel Wolff (nee Mabel Phillips)

Sometimes it is good to remember that "little" people(s) of the world often achieve great things, only to slip down the cracks of history, back into general obscurity. Here is a Welsh born woman, Mabel Phillips, whose uneventful early years started to change after marrying a German sailor, Max Wulff, in 1909.

Anti German sentiment following WW1 saw Mabel relocate to Germany after Max was deported, which for her and others must have been testing to say the least. Her loyalty to Max, her faith and their church was to become her "story" and the reason she is remembered.

Mabel's story is nothing in the scheme of things but the continued existence of "her" church to this day is her marker in the world. I wonder how many other markers exist of people long forgotten? I fear I have none, but live in hope of remembrance.

Here is Mabel (Phillips) Wulff's marker.

Who can you remember this day?

Saturday, 2 November 2024



Why would you want to do this?

At the other end of moral questions, why would New York kill a Squirrel? Is it perhaps because of busy-body complaints/jealousy against someone making money off the back of a pet squirrel? Petty or what!

Why did the USA vote in TRUMP?

Copycats - sometimes better

There are songs that are truly great (sellers) and remain favourites because of sheer presence, lyricism, presentation and, to be honest, being released in a time conducive to being a hit in the first place.

To be a "hit", as opposed to being an also-ran, cover versions need at least 3 of the above criteria to be successful again, sometimes more than the original, but often not.

I will keep adding to this list as covers come to mind, suggesting why they succeeded (sometimes better than the original).

STEP ON YOU AGAIN by John Kongos
  Covered, transformed and bettered by The Happy Mondays

I'M FREE by The Rolling Stones
  Covered, transformed and bettered by The Soup Dragons

  Covered and transformed from psycho-pop to jazz-funk by 801
  There re at least 146 cover versions of TNK (some on YouTube)

HOLE IN MY SHOE by Traffic
  Covered humorously by Neil (real name Nigel Planer)

LIVING DOLL by Cliff Richard
  Covered and ruined humorously by Cliff Richard and The Young Ones

HURT by Nine Inch Nails
  Covered, transformed and bettered by  Johnny Cash

This next song has been copied by many artists, most better than the original.

EVERYBODY'S TALKIN' (AT ME) by Fred Neil (is a poor rendition)
  Best covered, transformed and bettered by Harry Nilsson
  Covered with country pickin' by Glen Campbell
  Covered with respect by Rick Watson

I LOVE ROCK 'N' ROLL by The Arrows
  Covered in attitude by Joan Jett and The Black Hearts

IT'S MY LIFE by Talk Talk, 
  Covered in Gwen Stefani by No Doubt (feat Gwen Stefani)

  Covered, transformed and bettered by Roberta Flack
  (who sang it just as well live)

  Covered and bettered by The Mamas And The Papas

THE IN CROWD by Dobie Gray
  Covered, transformed and bettered by Bryan Ferry

JEALOUS GUY by John Lennon
  Covered successfully by Bryan Ferry at the right time (Lennon's death)

WITHOUT YOU by Badfinger
  Covered and bettered by Harry Nilsson

  Covered and bettered by Sinead O'Connor
  Covered and transformed by Puddles Pity Party
    Puddles Pity Party site here

DIAMONDS AND RUST by Joan Baez (Song history here)
  Covered and transformed from folk to heavy metal by Judas Priest
  Transformed from their heavy metal back to folk by Judas Priest

  Covered respectfully but overly bombasticly by Kiss

WAR PIGS by Black Sabbath (great video!
  Covered with a twist by CAKE
  Covered and transformed from rock to solo by Puddles Pity Party
  Covered and transformed from rock to choral by Rondellus

TAINTED LOVE by Gloria Jones
  Covered, transformed and bettered by Soft Cell

SATISFACTION by The Rolling Stones
  Covered and transformed from rock to soul by Otis Redding
  Covered and transformed from rock to indie by DEVO
  Covered and transformed from rock to very indie by The Ventures

ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER by Bob Dylan (Song history here)
  Covered, transformed from folk to rock and bettered by Jimi Hendrix
  Covered and presented in a unique way by Bastion Rose

  Covered (let's leave it at that) by Peter Noone (Ex Herman's Hermits)

This is a rare example of a record company having faith in the early part of an artists career.

SPACE ODDITY Original acoustic version by David Bowie (1st release)
  Covered, transformed and bettered (just) by Bowie (2nd release)
  Covered and bettered by David Bowie (3rd release - the hit)
  Covered and transformed by Bowie's former bassist Gail Ann Dorsey

  Covered and bettered by Lulu
  Covered respectfully by Nirvana
  Covered (remixed) many time by Bowie (to make better?) - one here

WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM FRIENDS by The Beatles (history here)
  Covered, bettered? and transformed from pop to rock by Joe Cocker
  N.B. Joe Cocker did loads of covers

  Covered, transformed and bettered? by Lenny Kravitz

This next song has been copied by many artists, none better than the original.

BREADFAN by Budgie (underrated yet influential 70s Welsh band)
  Covered and only made more popular by Metallica
  Covered well, with respect for the killer riff by Florence Black
  Covered with original's passion by "unknowns" Galactic Lemonz
  Covered badly (weird syncopation) by Alunah
LIGHT MY FIRE by The Doors
  Covered and transformed by solo guitar by Jose Feliciano
  Covered and transformed by Will Young (1st version)
  Covered and transformed by Will Young (2nd version - the hit)
THE ONLY WAY IS UP by Otis Clay (original soul hit)
  Covered, bettered and transformed to pop by Yazz
  Covered (let's leave it that) by Stornoway

ANYONE WHO HAD A HEART by Dionne Warwick (US hit)
  Covered identically but at the right time in the UK by Cilla Black
  Covered and bettered by lush orchestration by Rebecca Ferguson
  Covered poorly by actress Sheridan Smith for TV homage

Want some more varied music?

Finally, something for the weekend? NBN1,  NBN2,  NBN3