The UK will eventually leave the EU without a meaningful deal (for any jurisdiction) and "pain" will be felt by many (though stresses and strains are more likely), before a new paradigm evolves, probably as a result of multinational traders dictating terms to a political oligarchy that will oversee a "Euro" oligopoly.
There will be some anger and pettiness and (French) pedantic behaviours (as seems usual), but life will go on, though the departure of the UK may be a catalyst of further change, with EU countries reviewing what they want from their membership (fee); especially Eire who may decide to follow the UK when told to construct a border regime because the UK never will (it did!), thereby compromising their 90% export trade with the UK. Belgium may also wish to review their percentage of UK bound exports.
Anyway, enough of me rattling on.
Good luck Europe and for the good of Germany, do not implode!
UPDATE (26th April 2021) - Well! The UK seems to be doing OK without the protective arms of the EU trying to crush us with their political polemic and though there are still outstanding contractual contributions to our old "club" (until 2060?) our world has not fallen in; food still arrives, medicines are not scarce (nor Covid-19 vaccinations!) and the anti-brexit naysayers have finally shut-up. There are niggles of course, with more to come probably, but I think the EU apparatchiks (for the EU is seemingly being run as a communistic centralised control exercise) are getting our message at last: We bear you no ill-will but we have to go our own way now.
UPDATE (11th Jun 2021) - President Biden warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson about not upsetting Northern Irish people with regard to the infamous "Brexit Border Problem", but a newly elected NI party leader told him (Biden) to keep his nose out of their issues and to clear off!
How did the UK let themselves be railroaded into this poorly conceived "agreement"? (The same one Boris "the bumbler" Johnson ousted the then UK Prime Minister Teresa May over.)
Prior to Brexit, why didn't we ask the EU how it protects its far-flung borders from illegal or "tariff" imports AND THEN ASK THEM HOW THEY PROPOSED TO PROTECT THEIR NEWLY ACQUIRED FAR-FLUNG BORDER WITH NORTHER IRELAND?
My point is, why are we the UK having to do the work the EU should be doing. THEY (the EU) should be telling their member (Eire) to monitor their (the EUs) border. Not us in the UK; it should never be a problem for mainland UK to trade with ANY of its member states and the EU should be doing their job from their side of the "Irish Border" .
UPDATE (7th Feb 2025) - The bottom hasn't fallen out everyone's life in the UK, as doom-mongers predicted, and the economy has not imploded; indeed by many reported criteria the UK is holding up as good as or better than our ex EU partners. The "promise" of border security has not happened however and literally millions of new illegal foreigners seem to think this is their new home, whilst the huge amounts of money we'd save by being outside of Europe seems to have been a lie. That said, Europe is struggling and yet Prime Minister Starmer wants the UK back in (on their terms only no doubt), which is a bit like leaving a small seaworthy life-raft for a larger one that is sinking. Not much sense in that I'd say.
I saw our flag
flapping and stuttering against its pole.
I saw our flag straining,
writhing and contorting
in a wind of change.
I saw the pole unbending.
Dogmatic in its stance,
leashing and lashing the flag
that gently stroked with fraying edges
its master's stand.
I saw our flag,
with a forced embrace,
envelop the greasy pole
and then, as if to retain dignity,
I saw it fall.
That flag caressed my soul,
but I saw a truth profound
as I picked it from the ground;
for there was a hole through which all could pass,
to corrode us from inside.
Our flag had lost its heart,
but we have found our heart.
At the foot of our Brexit pole.
PATRIOTISM Patriot PATRIOTIC ImmigRENCEAUX England LAURENCEAU Lawrenceaux LAWRENCEAU Laureanceaux LAURANCEAU B rexitb, BREXIT,Lawranceaux LAWRANCEAU Loranceaux LORANCEAU Lorranceaux LORRANCEAU POETRY Prose POEMS Social Comments HUMOUR Humerous SMILE Smiling LAUGH Laughing LAFF LaffingBREXIT Leaving Europe Bye to Europe BYE BYE CYNICAL Truism TRUISMS Welcome HULL Kingston-Upon-Hull Kingston Upon Hull KINGSTON-ON-HULL Kingston On Hull YORKSHIRE East Yorkshire HUMBERSIDE Yorkshire DEPRESSION ThisISUll FED-UP Pissed-Off LONELY Disgruntled DISSOLUSIONED Blue BLACK Thinking BLOG Blogger LYONEL
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