
Wednesday 29 November 2023

Guinea-Bissau nutcase - Adam Mendes (formerly Valdo Amissão Mendes Calocane)

Being a 2022 Nottingham graduate in mechanical engineering, this former student didn't go "home", nor gained employment, though a quirk of the Brexit negotiations has allowed him to remain in the UK, being deemed to have achieved settled status, presumably on the basis of living in Nottingham whilst a student; that or the fact he holds a Portuguese passport. He has however been charged with multiple murders.

"Settled status" may be revoked for serious crime (such as multiple murders!) and you are deported. I think he is now more than qualified after killing 3 random strangers and driving a van into a crowd.

He is a nutter who should be sent back from whence he came, be that Portugal (Portuguese passport holder) or his birth country of Guinea-Bissau (former Portuguese "colony"). Medically unfit or not, with parasitic "human rights lawyers" claiming that he's not responsible for his actions; kick this bugger out forever. 

Adam Mendes (formerly Valdo Amissão Mendes Calocane)

The legal definitions of the difference between settled status and being a true British citizen is here and the families of the 3 victims are certainly not happy with the judgement.

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