
Thursday, 13 June 2024

Guinea-Bissau nutcase - Adam Mendes (formerly Valdo Amissão Mendes Calocane)

Being a 2022 Nottingham graduate in mechanical engineering, this former student didn't "go home", nor gained employment, though a quirk of the Brexit negotiations has allowed him to remain in the UK, being deemed to have achieved settled status, presumably on the basis of living in Nottingham whilst a student; that or the fact he holds a Portuguese passport. He has however been charged with multiple murders.

"Settled status" may be revoked for serious crime (such as multiple murders!) and you are deported. I think he is now more than qualified after killing 3 random strangers and driving a van into a crowd.

He is a nutter who arrived in the UK and was first suspected of schizophrenia in 2020 and should be sent back from whence he came, be that Portugal (Portuguese passport holder) or his birth country of Guinea-Bissau (former Portuguese "colony"). Medically unfit or not, with parasitic "human rights lawyers" claiming that he's not responsible for his actions, kick him out forever. I'm sure if he'd killed their children the lawyers would maybe sing a different tune.

Adam Mendes (formerly Valdo Amissão Mendes Calocane)

The legal definitions of the difference between settled status and being a true British citizen is here and the families of the 3 victims are certainly not happy with the judgement.

A year on from the case, its fall-out from this continues: The judge argues the sentence was not lenient, whilst relatives of the dead and injured are not so sure as a report finds a series of errors and 
mismanagement of the case, including his supposed medical care before his murders. Being committed to an "indefinite hospital order" means he could be cared for all his life or back on the streets sooner than you may think. His citizenship should be revoked and he should go back from where he came.

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