
Monday, 29 January 2024

Word of the day - TRUCULENCE

The word today is Truculence

Truculence is a noun and means the following:

- Exhibiting truculent behaviour that is unpleasant to others

- The act of being unpleasant to others or frequently argumentative 

- Truculence is an act of truculent behaviour

You exhibit truculence by being truculent
If you are truculent you are being a pain the the arse 
If you are truculent frequently people will avoid your company

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Would You Believe I'm A Liar?

Yeah, yeah yeah!

We’ve been to the moon; so respect to Neil, “Buzz” and the guy who hung around, like a dutiful parent, to collect them from their lunar playground; you know; that guy called Michael Collins*, the one who history seems to keep forgetting.

**They went to the moon in ’69 and today we know more about anything than we really need to know and our rate of “evolution” nears a state of technological and social revolution, yet what of the greatest achievement of humans? What of a trait that is probably as old as “hominids” and yet is still as influential and relevant as anything we have come up with so far? A trait that becomes, with use, a life skill, a method of control and, for some people(s), a way of life. For everyone in the world I would say this is a fact of life.

Asking Michael Collins* (one of the "moon men") “Are you happy with your spot in history?” a reply “of being part of a never to be forgotten achievement of humankind is enough for me” seems true enough; but I bet it stings to be almost always the forgotten man. His “honest” answer may be a lie, which illustrates our topic for consideration today.


Lying is a skill that is undoubtedly a required tool in any social etiquette, a most powerful mechanism that society has and does rely upon, yet paradoxically eschews its use. Our official position regarding lying seems to be a lie itself. The world cannot get by without lying.

Lying is officially “verboten” but its proscription merely constitutes a social model from those in charge, giving warning that (gross) lying will induce, or expedite, social retribution (prison), social unrest (UK media induced moral panics) and ultimately social breakdown; war being the absolute example of that state (Bush & Blair & Putin!). The proscription of lying merely offers social guidance to novice liars, that they must take care in their discretionary but ultimately required use of it, and though society wants to deny lying, it repeatedly accepts it for its positive values

If lying were a person it could be a sociopath. A superficial, smooth talking, confidence inducing, flattering and likeable “friend of the people”, eager to seem to please in order to integrate or insinuate their desires into the lives of others, for whom acceptance of a lie may be delusional or complicit (through ignorance or world-weariness); or it could be a person capable of lying to be amoral, coldly manipulative, deceitful, malevolent, menacing, and ultimately life threatening, and yet, surprisingly, sometimes still validated and mandated by its “sufferers”, again through ignorance, world-weariness or a profoundly pragmatic survival response. (What would you do when faced with the likes of Putin, Joe Stalin, Mr H, Mugabee, Amin, PolPot, Hussien, …?)

We may not know a sociopath but we all know a liar as we are each one to varying degrees, for not to be so would render us socially outcast.

A few real-world examples of lying close this piece, summarised by the simile that lying greases the wheels of society but you do not want to smell of it.

Bedrock Social Lying – the lubrication of life:

Q. Do you like this suit?
A. It looks good (on a hanger as opposed to the lump you have become).

Q. What do you think of the new car?
A. It's wonderful (that you still believe a bi-annual visit to us in your new car is anything more then it really is and yet, truly, it does make your penis seem a bit bigger!)

Speculative Social Lying – the enhancement of life:
You have things as I would have them (had I thrown them off a cliff)
Your input is valued – I never thought of that (you intrusive bothersome meddler)
I’ll call you and we can meet again (in the after-life if possible)
I’ve really enjoyed our meeting (for you came across to the group as an arse).

Defensive lying – the social excuse:
I intended to do that for you but things went astray (Do your own work!)
I though you meant ……. (I don’t care what you want)
I was told to do it but I'm really sorry (That pissed you off but I don’t care)

Offensive lying – the social manipulator:
This is good for you, good for us (and best for me)
If not strong we are nothing (and I'll invade to win an election - Bush & Blair and then Putin)
The law says….  (I know about a weapon to use against you)

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Shell et al - hypocrites in bed with the enemy

Should we boycott Shell purchases?

Shell said they would stop in 2022

We could stop buying from Unilever

And another ...

No beauty in Russian trade

Natura & Co is a Brazilian personal care & cosmetics company and the owner of AVON.

Russia likes chocolate and Ritter like profit


There are many more western companies still trading in Russia.

NOTE: These modern day examples are nothing new in the history of business. Standard oil of America supplied oil and by-products directly to NAZI Germany up to their forced entry into  the second world war. The USA was technically neutral yet rather then sit back from the conflict (i.e. be neutral) they supplied the NAZIs and the UK with oil products while both were at war. 

No room for ethics in the Standard oil camp - just profits, because business is business and hypocrisy is hypocrisy but the doesn't count.

Thursday, 25 January 2024

Meaningful songs #25 - ARGENT

This  is the twenty-fifth in an occasional series of songs from my collection, with the intent of introducing music to younger readers that they may gain appreciation of music from the classic years, 1957-1990. 

I have lived long enough to hear the "popular" music industry become ever-more formulaic, lazy, uninspiring and cynical; delivering "units" and "artistes" as interesting and memorable as polished mud.

Meaningful songs that eloquently convey a story, sentiment, or social comment and make it to national consciousness are rare these days. If you agree this song is meaningful, please introduce it to someone young; they might enjoy becoming "musical archaeologists".

Todays song, titled "Hold You Head Up", released in 1971, is by a group called ARGENT.

Hear the longer (better) album version here

Hear the shorter single version here

Argent were an underrated English band who got lost in the forest of other great bands of their time, though they released this track and others to much acclaim. The track "Hold Your Head Up" is unusual for it's time (1971) in that its lyrics espouse a feminist sensibility to life: if you are a woman keep going against adversity and proudly "hold your head up". This song is as pertinent today as it ever was and contains some fine playing of the Hammond organ, a stalwart of many '70s rock track.

And if it's bad
Don't let it get you down
You can take it
And if it hurts
Don't let them see you cry
You can make it

Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head high
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head high

And if they stare
Just let them burn their eyes
On you moving
And if they shout
Don't let it change a thing
That you're doing

Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head high
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold you head high

Hold your head up ....

Read the next article in this series or hear the next song in this series.

For the index of all songs in this blog click here

Sunday, 21 January 2024

Blackheads, Carbuncles, Acne, Boils and Zits

This comment is a two-parter (vaguely related) and to be honest, a bit boring. Sorry!


Blackheads, Carbuncles, Acne, Boils, Psoriasis and Zits; people including me are mostly drawn to picking, squeezing, popping or extracting for individual, undefinable reasons. 

We could use the word grooming (of each other) for such interests, which seem deep-rooted and an innate urge, without comprehension of why; like the way children love to comb or rummage through hair looking for dry skin or spots (as do apes and monkeys), so do "adults". But why?

I love grooming you mummy

I also love grooming

As adults we wear a cloaking veneer for socialising, as expected by peers and a "ticket" to social acceptance, so any innate desire to "groom" may not be easy to freely express or undertake.

Coming to my point, I think the huge number of "zit vids" you can view online and on TV are a response to an in-built desire to do, see or watch "grooming". They fulfil an activity that modern society has brushed under its carpet and made a guilty pleasure.

There is psychology going on with "zits" and this deserves a viewing to further our understanding;  if you want more go here.

PART 2 (Weak segue into a moan about YouTube constraining choice)

Where there is need someone will fill that need, and if there is money to be made they will fall over themselves to fulfil it. Everything from human sacrifice to cake making is being catered for on the internet and so it is with "zit grooming", as I alluded to earlier.

I can only comment about YouTube content, but monetisation of videos (via insertion of adverts in or around content) means there are thousands of "zit vids" fulfilling a guilty pleasure, in return for YouTubes cash, BUT, YouTube's suggestion algorithms favour popularity (to receive payment for more ad views), and this has distilled their presentation of recommended "zit vids" to a few favoured presenters; too few presenters in my mind, some of whom are annoying because they are now more interested in manipulation their statistics or promoting themselves and their products (for sale), than their job in hand.

The major "zit vid" players on YouTube are Dr Pimple Popper (Dr Sandra Lee) and Mr Popzit (Greg Lynch PA) and Dr Derm / Pimple popping with Mario (Dr David Myers).

Coming to my point (finally, I can hear you saying), my point is YouTube algorithms are ruining viewer variety as they only suggest videos to you that make big money for them and their complicit content suppliers, whose content is evermore slick, formulaic and just over 10 minutes long now to please the algorithm(s)!

Mine is a very niche argument, but many good videos never see the light of day as they never come into public consciousness, via a YouTube recommended viewing list(s), simply because they have not yet become popular. Talk about Catch-22 eh?

Because I love an underdog, here's a good "zit-vid" that only had 600 views in 3 months, but deserves a watch because "they just get on with it"

Blackhead Removal With Tweezer #2

There! - I told you this topic was boring, but I've got it off my chest now and promise to never speak of it again.

P.S. I forgot to rant on about fake zit vids, where they "treat" special-effects, some of which are absolute rubbish and which I class as clickbait.

Friday, 19 January 2024

Word of the day - HUBRIS

The word today is Hubris

Hubris is a noun and means the following:

- To have excessive pride or overbearing self-confidence

- A way of talking or mannerism that is too proud

- To be exhibiting behaviour(s) imbued with arrogance or distain

Covered in hubris - small mind, big head?

To be accused of hubris is being called a smug big-head
Hubris could signal too much pride before your fall

If you need more start hereherehere or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Truism (for financial prudence)

If it's not in your pocket do not spend it.
(Advice from my father for the avoidance of debt)

Wednesday, 10 January 2024

GENDAN LIMITED - Service with humour

This made me and others smile, for it is truly a personal touch in a delivery process that is usually pretty sterile. Bravo to the wit at Gendan Limited.

"Using soft cotton gloves your product has been gently taken from our shelves and placed upon a cushion for its journey to the packing area; there team of 4 packers thoroughly inspected and polished your order to ensure it is in the best possible condition, before beginning the packing process.

Our packing specialist from Sweden lit a scented candle and demanded silence for the perfect ambiance for him to achieve packaging perfection, though once completed we all had a wonderful celebration and the team marched to the delivery company, waving and spreading good cheer as we journeyed through Swansea. Everyone applauded, shouted Bon Voyage! and hugged one another as the van left.

Your package is being cared for by DPD Courier Services and should be with you within 1 working day and you may track it at

I hope you had a wonderful time shopping at Gendale Limited We sure did. Your picture is on our wall and we have nominated you for our Customer of the Year title. The whole team is pretty exhausted but can't wait for you to come back and shop with us again. Thank you.

Monday, 8 January 2024

Remember: Elżbieta Zawacka (aka Zo)

Here is a British agent active during world war 2. She was a member of Britain' SOE (Special Operation Executive).

She was Polish by birth (1909-2009) and served the United Kingdom with resolution and distinction behind enemy lines as an SOE (Special Operation Executive) agent and a member of "Silent Unseen". Born Elzbieta Zawacka, she used the names Zo, Zofia Zajkowska and Elizabeth Watson whilst helping the UK.

Like many Poles who served for the UK, she will drift into history and her life story lost, but take a little time here and then again here to honour her and her career

Died 2009 - Buried in St George cemetery in Torun

More Polish stories here.

Nigerian nutcase #2 - T B Joshua

This Nigerian nutcase died in mysterious circumstances in June 2021, but his complicit cohort(s) should be traced and trashed, such is their recorded crimes, over decades, against his own daughter and fellow  members of his self-styled world "church", known by the acronym SCOAN.

If you really want more on this religious charlatan, there are BBC AFRICA videos about him here.

Wednesday, 3 January 2024

Word of the day - TEMERITY

The word today is Temerity

Temerity is a noun and means the following:

- To have excessive boldness, rashness or recklessness

- To exhibit unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or others

- To be willing to say or do something that shocks or upsets

To be accused of temerity you have overstepped the tolerance of others
Temerity is not being cheeky, it's far worse

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Meaningful songs #24 - BLACK SABBATH

This  is the twenty-fourth in an occasional series of songs from my collection, with the intent of introducing music to younger readers that they may gain appreciation of music from the classic years, 1957-1990. 

I have lived long enough to hear the "popular" music industry become ever-more formulaic, lazy, uninspiring and cynical; delivering "units" and "artistes" as interesting and memorable as polished mud.

Meaningful songs that eloquently convey a story, sentiment, or social comment and make it to national consciousness are rare these days. If you agree this song is meaningful, please introduce it to someone young; they might enjoy becoming "musical archaeologists".

Todays song, titled "War Pigs", released in 1970, is by a group called BLACK SABBATH.

Black Sabbath - Originators of a new genre of music

Hear the song here

Black Sabbath burst upon the music scene in the UK, fully formed and genre defining from their conception in 1970. The track "War Pigs" is from their second album (Paranoid) and is a tour de force, still relevant today, musically and lyrically, as when first released.

War Pigs eloquently conveys an anti-war sentiment and comments upon those who wage war. The lyrics are so scathing they "work" in all but the most miserable of cover versions.

The full story of War Pigs is told here and of it's album here.

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction

ln the fields, the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh Lord, yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war!
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'til their judgement day comes, yeah!

Now in darkness, world stops turning
Ashes where their bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
(The) hand of God has struck the hour

Day of judgement: God is calling
On their knees, the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing, spreads his wings
Oh Lord, yeah!

Read the next article in this series or hear the next song in this series.

For the index of all songs in this blog click here

Monday, 1 January 2024

Meaningful songs #22 - GARBAGE

This is the twenty-second in an occasional series of songs from my collection, with the intent of introducing music to younger readers that they may gain appreciation of music from the classic years, 1957-1990. (Though I admit this exception is from 1995)

I have lived long enough to hear the "popular" music industry become ever-more formulaic, lazy, uninspiring and cynical; delivering "units" and "artistes" as interesting and memorable as polished mud.

Meaningful songs that eloquently convey a story, sentiment, or social comment and make it to national consciousness are rare these days. If you agree this song is meaningful, please introduce it to someone young; they might enjoy becoming "musical archaeologists".

Todays song, titled "Stupid Girl", released in 1995, is by a group called GARBAGE.

Garbage but not garbage 

Hear the song here and greater live version here

Stupid Girl is a dynamic song that talks to millions of girls/young woman who (only) want celebrity, money, attention and "media" acclaim, in the laziest of ways, often with great cynicism and distain for any inferiors who do not holiday several times a year (for the "look at me" media photographs), nor drive "top motors" or lavish upon themselves such fripperies as branded handbags, shoes, clothes, enough make-up to fill a well and, don't forget, the trophy pet(s).

A "Stupid Girl" thinks nothing of exploitation of others or alienation from family or (former) friends, such is her desire or emotional need to be continually centre-stage, to be continually catered and paid for; her partner must be wealthy and prepared to fund a desired life-style, for she will neither have the means nor inclination to fund herself, for there is no career for a stupid girl, no planning (as opposed to scheming and manipulating), nothing but neediness and narcissism behind the glamorous façade of a parasitic relationship.

Perhaps though, a "Stupid Girl" is a clever girl after all, for what she wants is provided unstintingly; but history tends to show that trophy girls get dumped with age and wrinkles, then life thereafter can become uncomfortable indeed - no career, no real income/money, few true friends, few life skills and social ineptitude when no-longer amongst the "kiss-kiss" crowd, then realisation that many "real" women are laughing behind their back . Better to be a smart woman than a stupid girl I think. Better to be less narcissistic.

The full story of Garbage and Stupid Girl is told here.

Pretend you're high
Pretend you're bored
Pretend you're anything
Just to be adored
And what you need
Is what you get

You don't believe in fear
You don't believe in faith
You don't believe in anything
That you can't break

Stupid girl
Stupid girl
All you had you wasted
Can't believe you faked it

What drives you on
Can drive you mad 
A million lies to sell yourself
Is all you ever had

You don't believe in love
You don't believe in hate
You don't believe in anything
That you can't break

Stupid girl
Stupid girl
All you had you wasted
I can't believe you fake it

You don't believe in fear
Don't believe in pain
And don't believe in anyone
That you can't tame

Stupid girl
Stupid girl
All you had you wasted
I can't believe you faked it

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
All you had you wasted
I can't believe you faked it

Stupid girl
Stupid girl
Can't believe you fake it
And all you had you wasted
Stupid girl!

I was on a bit of a rant above, but when you know an aspiring "it girl" there are occasions when you want to say, "It's good now but the cost may be life-long".

I just wanna be an "it girl",
hiding neediness behind a glamorous façade

P.S. Selfies seem to be declining and "good looks" are seemingly not valued that much.

P.P.S. What do you think of this?

FINAL THOUGHT: In 1969 Peter Sarstedt released a single that wistfully spoke about another "Stupid Girl" (who possibly left him?), not in savage terms as Garbage did, but as a reminder that pursuing a wanton social/wealth climbing lifestyle has consequences; one being insecurity about the women's true background being discovered. That song is Where Do You Go To My Lovely? Another 60's band, The Monkees, performed s song expressing their intention that they would not be a stepping stone for an "it girl".

If you ever wish to escape a narcistic partner, play them this song.

Read the next article in the series or hear the next song in the series.

For the index of all songs in this blog click here.