The word today is Fritter
- A piece of food fried with a batter coating = noun
- The act of wilfully squandering a resource, skill or asset(s) = verb
There are other words having dual meaning.
The word today is Fritter
- A piece of food fried with a batter coating = noun
- The act of wilfully squandering a resource, skill or asset(s) = verb
There are other words having dual meaning.
Men have for the most part fucked this world, shaped it then fucked it, through politics, war, discrimination and male hubris. I believe woman in all walks of life should get the same rights, payment and respect as men; though if and when that happens is unpredictable, but most likely through politics.
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Voice Of Baceprot (VOC) |
Voice Of Baceprot (VOC) has both a real place (Jalan Raya Banjarwangi) on Jakarta Island and is an Indonesian all-girl band, conformist and yet musically liberated (and liberating). Not yet a "Spice Girls", VOC are not as big but just as inspirational. They are on their way (into to Glastonbury festival history) and I wish them well.
Petty-minded little twat!
That's what many think about Gideon Falter, who demands the resignation of the head of the Metropolitan Police, just because a low-ranking officer policing a pro-Palestinian protest suggested that being there wearing his kippah (for reasons you may speculate upon) and thus being "openly Jewish", he could precipitate a breach of the peace upon himself (at that time, at that protest). The officer was not putting Palestinians before Jews, nor putting down Jews, nor giving a toss (probably) about the pointless protest.
Gideon's apparently pathetic behaviour is akin to asking his surgeon to resign because he didn't like a porter. If he had been attacked I guess he'd be happy to receive assistance from that officer, who wouldn't care less about him being a Jew: an over-focussed busy-body Jew in this instance, who could maybe think less of his Jewish-ness and "scoring points" off an easy target and more about the antipathy he generates against his true cause (whatever that is).
I get that he want's to push the "rights" of Jews via "his" NGO body called Campaign Against Antisemitism, but really? Talk about inflating a perceived slight into front-page news (with media assistance); when someone calls out to me, "you fat bastard" (as I am!) I don't shout back, "you can't say that because I'm a Jew", nor do I call for my doctor to resign because he can't make me thin.
Let's all keep our ongoing struggles in perspective, or call the Prime Minister to be appalled on our behalf. Talk about "the media" hyping stories. You need look no further than this.
If you remain vaguely interested in the plight of Gideon Falter here are a few links.
Gideon Falter says this (in The Mail Online). Note the minders.
Hear that man grind his axe (copper exonerated)
Side Note: Ultra orthodox Jews living in Israel are now deemed eligible for conscription into the Israeli army and as the war in Gaza grinds on their indignation in obvious in their selfish collective protestations. Their religious exemption has been removed and funding for their seminaries suspended, but at last they will be able to "fight" those that their fellow right-wing political brethren seemingly want eradicating. I hope their sincere beliefs will protect them from PTSD and the carnage they are now expected to embark upon, and that battle-hardened troops will greet them into their world without any resentment for their orthodoxy. If lucky enough to hold dual nationality I guess they could scuttle back to productive studies in another country?
Being a 2022 Nottingham graduate in mechanical engineering, this former student didn't "go home", nor gained employment, though a quirk of the Brexit negotiations has allowed him to remain in the UK, being deemed to have achieved settled status, presumably on the basis of living in Nottingham whilst a student; that or the fact he holds a Portuguese passport. He has however been charged with multiple murders.
"Settled status" may be revoked for serious crime (such as multiple murders!) and you are deported. I think he is now more than qualified after killing 3 random strangers and driving a van into a crowd.
He is a nutter who arrived in the UK and was first suspected of schizophrenia in 2020 and should be sent back from whence he came, be that Portugal (Portuguese passport holder) or his birth country of Guinea-Bissau (former Portuguese "colony"). Medically unfit or not, with parasitic "human rights lawyers" claiming that he's not responsible for his actions, kick him out forever. I'm sure if he'd killed their children the lawyers would maybe sing a different tune.
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Adam Mendes (formerly Valdo Amissão Mendes Calocane) |
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Instead of causing trouble and damage over here in the UK, these supporters of Palestinians should pop over to Gaza, to fight for their Palestinian cause(s), as Hamas is now openly criticised by those in Gaza for the plight they are in and thus Hamas has turned upon their Palestinian "hosts". Hamas are not about standing-up for Palestinians, but the destruction of Israel (to please Iran and others in the area). I feel if Israel had not always wanted to play hardball in the region their neighbours wouldn't hate them so much.
The background to this is Barclays willingness, with Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank and others (according to the Financial Times) to buy Israeli "war bonds", these being bundles of war debt incurred by Israel, upon which Israel promises to pay an annual %return (profit) to bond holders, until a time when those bonds are redeemed for their original purchase price. Such bonds are a way for Israel to defer the cost of their ongoing war by persuading banks to fund the war at a fraction of the actual cost of the war. The banks pay Israel's war bills now and trust Israel to repay them at later dates, causing critics to say the banks are funding war. Such a concept is not new: I was told war bonds were the invention of Rothchild's bank, hundreds of years ago, who would "fund" both side in a war!
Getting back to the protestors, I'm sure they will achieve nothing, as armchair "anarchists" rarely do; are they naive enough to believe that only Barclays is "bad"? - They are all "bad", you troublemakers, so express your indignation elsewhere please.
Before you accuse me of Israeli or Jewish bias, read some of my previous articles.
I ask this because I think it rather obscene the such simple foodstuffs as Asparagus and Mandarins are regularly transported huge distance to reach their market(s). Transportation (Lorry / Train / Flight or Ship / Lorry) alone is polluting out of all proportion to the importance of the goods delivered; it only happens because someone can "earn a buck" without consideration of global damage. I buy locally sourced products and ask you to do so too.
The USA's Apollo program of exploration of how to get to the moon and finally land upon it mesmerised many people of the world throughout the '60s and '70s, as it did me as a young lad, but notwithstanding the immensity of that human achievement little change for humankind sprang from it.
Apart from one thing,
One single photograph, taken by the lunar module pilot of Apollo 8, Bill Anders, encapsulated emotions and knowledge never before experienced by practically the whole human race. A single photograph, possibly the most awe inspiring ever taken, shows the graceful beauty and visual fragility of Earth as never before; a now totemic image, still able to generate reverence and contemplation, which inspired in many an awareness of global fragility and the need for "greener" global policies.
The barren landscape of the moon accentuates the vivid blue of Earth's cosmic presentation, showing a pristine planet which we know is no-longer the truth. It inspires and yet reminds us only of what was, for humankind is ruining it. To put it bluntly, we are pissing in our own pot for a multitude of evolutionary and despotic reasons and will probably continue to do so until Earth says, "no more!".
Leaving aside that thought, I wish to note the passing of its creator, astronaut Bill Anders, a space pioneer who died as he had lived: on the dramatic edge of life where only those with "the right stuff" survive, of which a film was made.
The word today is Misanthropic
Misanthropic is an adjective and from my research means the following:
- To exhibit, express or verbalise scorn or hared of humankind
- To show distrust of humankind's aspirations and creeds
- To not trust nor accept any enduring goodness in humankind
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Darn it! - I can't find a picture to express being misanthropic |