
Thursday, 30 November 2023

COP Out - 28/29

COP stands for Conference Of (the) Parties: globally significant producers of oil and petroleum. The  best article I have read about it is here.

Dec 13th 2023 summary: It ended, everyone slapped themselves on the back, condemned fossil fuels and flew home. Nothing much will come of it: Poor countries can't do much other then buy carbon credits, rich countries will do noting if there is a better profit with "fossil" and oil producers will keep laughing because they think you still believe what they promise.

Nov 16th 2024 summary: It ended, with s consensus that it is are no longer fit for purpose.

The United Arab Emirates are hosting COP28 (in 2023) in Dubai but they have a cynical cheek for they flare Methane gas day in and day out and planned to secretly promote the burning of even more of their oil whilst at COP28. Hypocrites! Do these climate conferences ever achieve anything meaningful? (No, not really - with their carbon credits scam and buy-off payments to salve their non-existent consciences.)

As usual this COP ended with smugness for some and annoyance for many, and the latest one (COP 29) kicked off surrounded by yet another reported act of hypocrisy, and the UN at COP29 saying these meetings are no longer fit for purpose.

Not Clever!

Don't think I'm just highlighting the UAE's duplicity today; all oil producing countries of the world espouse the reduction of globally destructive by-products of their trade, but never wish to offer and undertake effective solutions (that hit the bottom line!?) said Greta Thunberg, because without oil extraction most would revert back to feudal desert kingdoms of little global focus.

Why can't they turn their attention to the production of electricity or liquified Hydrogen, for export,  generated via their seas and their abundant sunshine?

P.S. Trees of any kind (maybe not Palm oil plantations) are good for the earth as they soak up all sorts of crap, air air-born gaseous pollutants and give us Oxygen, whilst enabling many forms of biological diversity amongst them; so if you are able, please plant a tree and nurture it as best you can, if not for yourself but the children of the next 200 years. Perhaps checkout this site as well.

Restoration of the Earth and its diversity should be a major human aim of this 21st century, probably by stopping global sea temperature rises, so that restorative endeavours can be effective. (This link might not work outside the UK due to copyright stuff).

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