
Sunday 4 February 2024

Word of the day - RIGMAROLE

The word today is Rigmarole

Rigmarole is a noun and means the following:

- A long sequence of actions, explanations or words of no real purpose

- Tedious, long-winded, complicated or petty process achieving little

- Talk or actions designed to deflect those seeking help or information 

In my childhood I heard this word a few times, mainly from parents and grandparents (and I'm 66), thinking then it was a local word not in use nationally and on it's way to obscurity, then, to my surprise, it was used in a national news report. Rigmarole is not a dead word after all!

Past tense of rigmarole is rigmaroles - "we heard some rigmaroles"
Saying "don't give me that rigmarole" means stop messing me about
Mum said, "tell me the truth and none of that rigmarole"

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

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