In the UK two child brothers were sentenced to indefinite detention for the appalling abuse and torture of two unrelated boys; a prophetic conclusion to their "toxic life" finally came to pass, as it has for two similar feral killer children.
Leaving aside the ritualistic media driven "investigations" and "new" recommendations that inevitably followed, adding to the burden on the shelf of hard-core social service failures and the burgeoning (and yet somehow restricting) cannon of advice papers, guidance documents and ineffective government directives; when will we allow ourselves to ask the most fundamental of questions,
Who wrecked the lives of these children?
Who to prosecuted for destruction of their rightful expectations?
Who allowed their lives to be so "toxic"?Who allowed "care" to reach a point where lives were taken or children broken to become so sociopathic as to render as fully-fledged sadistic beings.Who but their "parents" of course!
Agencies who have legislation to effectively intercede in any child's history may fail, but rolling back a child's history leads ultimately to their "parents", most importantly their mother. God only knows why women conspiratorially stand by men (and vice-versa) who foul their children on a daily basis; who fear, loathe and attack their "partner" and yet still "love" them? I don't think I'll ever know but my desire to see punishment fitting a crime also encompasses a desire to see the catalysts of crime punished equally.
The parents of these boys had so obviously abused them through neglect and (dare one still say) a complete lack of any effective social guidance, also deserve punishment. If they have remaining children it can only be assumed they are equally damaged and in need of help, but what seems certain is they do not need those parents! Lock-up the adults for the same amount of time as the underaged thugs they "raise".
The oft' quoted Jesuit motto, "Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man," seems to be most appropriate at this time, so look after your kids please, as you would like them to look after you. (Once the state completes its rollback to the Victorian model of family support.)
Though I did not write the following poem I wish I had, for I admire its ability to express an obvious anger without any incitement to violence. Author PAUL ENGLAND is slowly documenting what we take to be his life’s experiences and I believe he deserves a wider audience.
Mother let me tell you
I don't give a fuck;
shit, I felt it too
when fathers place you took.
Am I a child you could not hold
you callous fucking cunt,
you call me cold!
shit, you've got some front.
For father told me this;
how ready you are to scold,
so excuse me all you people
if I am talking bold,
but mother said some shit
that went and touched my heart,
so I'll take her to my rhymes
and rip that bitch apart.
I'm crying while I write
‘cos this shit hurts to say
but I feel I have to write
‘cos the pain won't go away.
You see there is a line
but you crossed that long ago,
that day you got so selfish
and dad walked out the door.
So keep your love
and save it for another,
for what you've done to me:
you just can't be a mother.
On average, at least one child is killed each week in the UK, often at the hands of guilty parents or "carers"; this statistic as changed little for decades and is apparently an intractable problem. I'd want both parents forcibly sterilised. What would you have done with this lot?
August 2020 - Bimbo killer mother
November 2021 - Yet another horrific case of child abuse
December 2021 - And another - Savannah Brokhill child killer
May 2022 - Why do these deaths keep happening?
Mar 2024 - As should her "man", with commentary
Nov 2023 - Toddler Alfie Phillips had 70 visible wounds
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