
Sunday 10 March 2024

Word of the day - FESTOON

The word today is Festoon

Festoon is a noun / verb  and means the following:

- To decorate a room, person or object for a special occasion

- To  decorate with hanging embellishments, usually curved like drapes

A festoon

If you festoon someone they are said to become festooned
Festooning is the process of  making them festooned 
Whilst becoming festooned someone/thing undergoes festoonment
The word drape could replace festoon in many sentences (I think).

The noun festoon first appeared in the 1600s when it was used, as it still is today, to refer to  decorative chain or strips hung between two points, be it on a person or object. After a century’s worth of adoring festoons, the word festoon acquired a duality as a verb (e.g. I will festoon that person with golden drapes)

If you need more start here or here or better still, here.

There is an index of words of the day.

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