
Monday, 4 November 2024

WAR (Especially modern warfare)

Through the mists of time,
the shrouded depths of eons past,
come the cries of futility and war,
of fallen men, fallen empires
there is no more.
Through the experience of time nothing is learned,
nothing understood,
war kills, stifles, rots and maims;
there is no good.
A war breeds heroes
hate and vengefulness,
it fractures nations
and cosmopolitan in its progress
becomes more, "Couldn't care less".
War of today in these mists of time
indiscriminate with public to view,

could envelope the world of nations, 
me and you.

Feb 17 2022 - Please Mr. Russia do not invade.
                       USA keep your nose out. 
                       UK stop pretending you matter.

Feb 21 2022 - Here we go! National military complexes with too much stock?

Jun 08 2023 - Is the USA escalating atrocity or merely de-stocking?
                        Is the USA wrong?

Jun 11 2023 - Ukraine joining Nato is a WW3 trigger.
                         Pacts such as this started WW1 and WW2.
                         Still Ukraine want to join NATO

Jun 12 2023 - NATO avoid global repercussion of accepting Ukraine.
                          Ukraine must know NATO doesn't want their war ...

Sep 11 2023 - Oh no, these Two crackpots are talking - watch out!

Jul 01 2024 - Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orban becomes the rotating president of Europe for 6 months, which will strain relations with Ukraine as he is a known friend of Russia's president, warmonger Vladimir (I always put the boot in) Putin. Orban wants to see a ceasefire and is critical of the wests military aid. My question is why and what is in it for Orban?

Jul 04 2024 - Do real Russians never get to know of  this wanton and flagrant waste?

Nov 18th 2024 - A very important/dangerous decree was made by outgoing US president Joseph Biden, in that he allowed Ukraine to commence firing American made long-range missiles into Russia. His reason seems obscure (to me) other than to leave the incoming teams of Donald (the crazy) Trump some real world problems to tackle, whilst they "Make America Great Again". I think Biden is saying as much to Trump as he is to Putin - you are both as bad as each other, so bring it on! This decision may have some historic significance. Putin of course responded with some familiar nebulous threats and let off an ancient ICBM toward Ukraine, whilst the once proud Russian citizens continue to submit to his lunacy or their role in his "meat grinder vanity war". 

Feb 13th 2025 - With a change of  the American president there came a change of  the "official line", which is that Trump wants the Russian war in Ukraine ended, probably because of costs and Trump's desire to look good. Either way, he has set the new agenda, no-matter who does or does not like his approach. Obviously the cessation of any war is good, but I'm pretty sure many Ukrainians feel abandoned to their fate.
Here are links to some of my other war poems:

Here's a poem I came across by an artist called Mark Automation

The freedoms that we fought so hard to save
Are snatched out of our desperate grasping hands
And buried in an unmarked shallow grave

Despite our struggle, valiant and brave
They slowly seep away like hourglass sands;
These freedoms that we fought so hard to save

So helplessly we faced that tidal wave
And what became of all our hopeful plans?
They're buried in an unmarked shallow grave

The zealots fulminate and rant and rave
They seek to sabotage with their demands
The freedoms that we fought so hard to save

And when they gain the power that they crave
No clemency for any who withstand
Just burial in an unmarked shallow grave

And now we're little more than galley slaves
We blindly follow all of their commands
The freedoms that we fought so hard to save
Lie buried in an unmarked shallow grave


from IMPOSSIBILISM, released January 4, 2023
Ukraine Russia Russian Invasion Ukrainian Suffering Russian Bastards, Keep out, WW11

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