
Wednesday 17 February 2010

MRSA anyone?

Why is it that there seems to be a rule (repeatedly seen on TV), that the more senior a surgeon is, the looser the fit of their obligatory face mask is "allowed" to be?

Watch any real medical show these days and you can easily spot the head honcho; theirs will be the only nose hanging over the top of a mask; the only bush of facial hair visible, or the mask behind which you could herd wildebeests, such will be its looseness of fit.

Does rank allow conceit and disregard for their infection potential? and as we are on a bit of rant now, does anyone ever record the number of MRSA* infected surgical patients blighted by the snot and spit and facial hair of a (senior) surgeon?

Nurses can be just as bad: Harriet's Nurse.

Buck-up lads and lasses!

* MRSA - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

Methicillin is a variant of Penicillin, no longer made, but whose name is now used as a substitute for the many names of other penicillin types.

Staphylococcus Aureus is a "bug" commonly resident on skin and the nose and throat of roughly 80% of us; the remaining 20% of us being long-term carriers of a variant called MRSA which is resistant to all penicillins.

The problem with anything becoming resistant to what usually killed it is it can multiply unhindered, ultimately leading to rampant infection. MRSA bacteria are usually spread through skin-to-skin contact or via air born products from someone who has an MRSA infection or is a symptom free carrier. Being in the presence of MRSA is not desirable!
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