
Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Bye for now

Trump won, Europe is fucked, the world is becoming a toxic and fascist nightmare, the whole of Africa is reverting to corrupt tribalism, China must remember that repressing millions is ultimately futile and Putin is running a once proud population into the ground, making friends with and giving sanctuary to other "leaders" of disrepute.

You get my drift. I'm going back to reading books and listening to my LPs in a fairly simple, isolated life. Bye for now.


This is clickbait: an image (or text) intended to deceive you into supposing a specific story or topic is behind it, when in reality it turns out not to be so. In the most banal pieces the content is rubbish, deceiving or insulting (to you) and should be called out as such if you are invited to comment. 

Clickbait is becoming a scourge of social media and I am fed up of it, especially so on Racebook where opportunistic click-chasers will post up very contentious statements (Rage-baiting) or open ended questions, then sit back as people argue about it, or comment endlessly about its stupidity; whether it be bootube, racebook, blugger, ticcock, smelegraph, shyspace, pastagram, breaditt, bumsnet, or any other dumping ground for some duckwitt's ego (such as mine in this I imagine you saying), I am sick of wasting my life being enticed and then shafted by the greed for click payments by people not deserving of their algorithm-driven (supposed) popularity. If you agree pass this crap on.

Rant over; now enlarge the picture to reveal this persons breasts. Told you - clickbait!

More learned pieces on clickbait below. Click on each of them - you know you want to ......

Click 1

Click 2

Click 3

Click 4

Final thought: Online newspapers are surely becoming the worst global perpetrators of clickbait and even the BBC is not immune from a desperate desire to have their output read. This item from them is NOT about the hottest (single) day ever recorded. 

See subtle BBC clickbait here ... and the BBC being not so subtle.

Another BBC clickbait conspiring to publicise a new film, on the back of a baby birth.

The BBC being good here ...


There's a ring of truth upon my finger
protecting me from the past.
A ring of contentment white with age
forevermore to last.

A sign of fidelity
confirming reality,
in a groove of mutated skin,
proving my tears
after all these years,
are only wept for you.

There's a ring of truth upon my finger
fusing my soul to yours.
A golden truth, for all to see,
a bonding force twixt you and me,
a cover for still youthful skin
a proof of love, through thick and thin.

MARRIAGE Married BETROTHED Life Partner LAURENCEAUX England LAURENCEAU Lawrenceaux LAWRENCEAU Laureanceaux LAURANCEAU Lawranceaux LAWRANCEAU Loranceaux LORANCEAU Lorranceaux LORRANCEAU POETRY Prose POEMS Social Comments HUMOUR Humerous SMILE Smiling LAUGH Laughing LAFF Laffing CYNICAL Truism TRUISMS Welcome HULL Kingston-Upon-Hull Kingston Upon Hull KINGSTON-ON-HULL Kingston On Hull YORKSHIRE East Yorkshire HUMBERSIDE Yorkshire DEPRESSION ThisISUll FED-UP Pissed-Off LONELY Disgruntled DISSOLUSIONED Blue BLACK Thinking BLOG Blogger LYONEL

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Remember: Gisèle Pelicot

Sometimes it is good to remember that "little" people(s) of the world often achieve or survive many things, only to slip down the cracks of history, back into obscurity. Here is a French-born woman, Gisèle Pelicot, who bravely gave up anonymity in order to facilitate her unswerving determination to have her horrific abuse, by her husband and the men of a whole village, made known to the public (now world-wide). She has dignity and determination for justice that many should admire.

To start to understand her and her story start here.

Gisèle's is an extraordinary female abuse case, with the twist being that for decades her husband had regularly drugged her in order to film village residents raping and defiling her unconscious self, luckily without recollection by her. It was only the chance discovery of over 22,000 videos on her husband's computer that initiated the trial of a whole village.

Gisèle Pelicot (An dignified and inspirational survivor)

Gisèle has stated that she wants to move on from this very public ordeal; she has divorced her abuser, reverted to her maiden name and relocated within France, to hopefully enjoy the simple pleasure of life amongst her family and remaining friends. Having shared her moment in history I believe she now wants to find a route back into obscurity, but with her current fame will she and her immediate family be able to do so? 

With the end of her court case she made a final dignified statement. Best wishes Giséle.

Her husband got 20 years prison and half the village (-named here-) got from 10-15 years each; her daughter Caroline Darian said their father should die in prison. Where are those videos now and will Netflix make yet another "human interest docudrama" film?

Gisele's trauma is opening the eyes and ears of many, asking difficult questions about modern society as yet another abuse scandal is exposed in France, being the opposite of Gisèle's case, one person has systematically abused many others; paedophile doctor Joel Le Scouarnec's trial revealed much, especially the apparent indifference of those around him who knew of his crimes. I have to ask, what else is going on in France?

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Word of the day - INDEX OF WORDS

These are the songs in the "Word of the day" series.

 Click on each to read about it.



































































Word of the day - OMNIPOTENCE

The word today is Omnipotence

Omnipotence is a noun and means the following:

- The expression/exhibition of  unlimited power able to do anything

- The action(s) of someone who is omnipotent (all powerful)

- The exhibition of being a supreme power (an omnipotent person)

If you are actually omnipotent you are said to have omnipotence
You can show your omnipotence only if you are omnipotent
If some says you are omnipotent they mean god-like or "top-dog"
An omnipotent dog could bite anyone anytime with impunity
Dictators often assume they have omnipotence

If you need more start here or here.

There is an index of words of the day.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Truism - (about taxation)

Taxation is the the paymaster of society.

We don't like it but we need some

Personal thought - This truism is a dynamic balancing act between total societal conformance or insurrection leading to anarchy. In large(r) populations people want "services" but don't like paying for them. Taxation facilitates services but it is the scale and apparent effectiveness  of taxation that vexes society; too little leads to trouble(s) and too much leads to trouble(s).

Visual brain teasers

There are occasions, with time on your hands, when just just fancy a few good brain teasers a bit like these .....

How many rings?

Site 1      Site 2      Site 3      Site 4       

Loads more.

Thursday, 13 February 2025

You just lost your job!

Usually a hard job done well


People in the United Kingdom expect standards and protocols to be upheld, but can be so petty at times as to take your breath away with the triviality of their "concerns" or complaints, but in this case I expect this officer to be dismissed following his abuse of a person already prone and acquiescent at Manchester airport.

The "victim" may well have behaved terribly prior to these scenes (aggression in baggage hall with other passengers from their incoming flight QR023 from Qatar), for no bystanders seems willing to step-into the fray to defend him, yet what you see here is, to my mind, an officer venting his anger at what had presumably gone before. He lost control of himself and behaved like a thug. Whatever triggered that officer could have killed someone, for a booted kick to the head with a stamp are not always inconsequential.

I defend UK police, for they are often between a rock and a hard place, but this appears to be someone who should (re)join a para-military group, the army, or take up a cage fighting career.

This is not acceptable policing!


Obviously, the "family" has appointed legal representation, just in case there's profit to be had, then called for "calm in the (racial) communities" which will keep their article hot, but we have learned there is more to this story than the footage that was selectively released, for there was indeed a serous altercation (officer hospitalised with broken nose) involving third parties and the victim. The BBC gathered more details, indicating police were called to an ongoing incident, possibly involving theft, which also shows the overly assertive officer roughly handling another person in their group. The officer had obviously reached the end of his tether with this incident and issued his lesson in induced aggression. I still believe he should, at least, be removed from a public facing role as he has been suspended pending a criminal investigation of his action(s).


As with many "sensational" media pieces we must be sceptical about what is and what is not being shown. In this case the 2 "victims" in the first video turn out to be the instigators of their own suffering. In common parlance they got what they deserved. Muhammed Fahir Amaaz (head kick) and Amaad Amaaz (fat lump) both attacked police officers and were happy to dish-out their feral violence, but (obviously) their family were not happy with the corrective therapy that followed their fun; they have though lowered their public indignation level by sacking their original "legal" representative, allowing a new damage limitation representative to say the family, "had real concern for any police officer injured".

The thing is, police are (mostly) people and not monsters, so if you smash them in the face they naturally want to respond; but training and the uniform stops this. Usually!

I still believe the "offending" officer's behaviour was unacceptable (for one wearing the uniform), but his treatment of his attackers is understandable in the context of this incident and an extended period away from the "front line" would be good. Soldiers are granted R&R so why not overstressed police officers?



A second officer at this incident has been suspended (reason unknown) and the two instigators of the police response to their original assaults have now submitted assault complaints against the Manchester police force. They have their new parasitic legal representative valiantly implying that the police are not allowed to defend themselves against sustained and serious assaults upon themselves. The hubris in their complaint is breath-taking in the light of the video evidence of them "kicking-off" for reasons as yet unknown. Sky News seem to have the best information.

Muhammed Fahir Amaaz (L) and Amaad Amaaz (R)
with legal representative Akhmed Yakoob (from
Maurice Andrews Solicitors in Birmingham)

Lawyer, Mother and sons (L+R) - angels in new suits?



The two angels in their dressing up clothes pleaded not guilty! Setting aside the thought everyone in a more real world than theirs thinks they are, the actual recorded evidence against them suggests they are deluded. I think they are taking the piss as they can't take the thought of what they truly are.

Ah, bless - all dressed-up for their party.
Amaad Amaaz and Muhammed Fahir Amaaz

urice Andrews Solicitors , Maurice Andrews Solicitors in Birmingham , Maurice Andrews ,  Solicitors in Bingham,

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Funny - Make me smile

These make me smile - perhaps you will too.

N.B. If you own any of these images drop me a line and I'll remove it.

HOWDY (by Gemma Beniston)

Are you still with him Tracie (Hull bridge now gone)

This is my favourite



Always make use of your assets!

George used to love fishing!

Visit the grave, wash it, then have chat. R.I.P. Dad

ALEXA! - I ordered Baby cheeses

When he thinks you're "needy"

Prediction - This may seem funny now but just you wait and see.

So True

Ooops - too lazy to drill 4 new holes

Ooops - I'm pretty sure this is a fake

I'm smiling

A Digital storage unit?

They know me so well

We all want good wood right?

Finally, I could not let this one go, nor this clip from a children's programme.